ELLERO, Andrea
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.098
EU - Europa 7.004
AS - Asia 2.785
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 13
OC - Oceania 10
AF - Africa 5
SA - Sud America 5
Totale 18.920
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.967
PL - Polonia 2.523
CN - Cina 1.985
IT - Italia 1.838
UA - Ucraina 516
SG - Singapore 475
SE - Svezia 438
DE - Germania 386
IE - Irlanda 308
FI - Finlandia 276
GB - Regno Unito 241
RU - Federazione Russa 188
CA - Canada 131
TR - Turchia 113
BE - Belgio 63
HK - Hong Kong 63
FR - Francia 57
ID - Indonesia 41
AT - Austria 36
VN - Vietnam 36
NL - Olanda 31
CH - Svizzera 25
IR - Iran 20
HU - Ungheria 17
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 14
EU - Europa 12
UZ - Uzbekistan 12
KR - Corea 11
AU - Australia 10
DK - Danimarca 9
IN - India 9
BG - Bulgaria 8
ES - Italia 8
RO - Romania 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
LB - Libano 5
BD - Bangladesh 4
GR - Grecia 3
IL - Israele 3
JP - Giappone 3
NG - Nigeria 3
PH - Filippine 3
CL - Cile 2
LT - Lituania 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AD - Andorra 1
BJ - Benin 1
BR - Brasile 1
CO - Colombia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EG - Egitto 1
HR - Croazia 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MY - Malesia 1
RS - Serbia 1
Totale 18.920
Città #
Warsaw 2.470
Woodbridge 1.672
Chandler 964
Jacksonville 846
Ann Arbor 754
Fairfield 717
Houston 574
Ashburn 446
Singapore 369
Wilmington 366
Venezia 333
Dublin 308
Seattle 283
Nanjing 254
Cambridge 247
Jinan 235
Mestre 224
Shenyang 210
Sacile 190
Boardman 184
New York 147
Dearborn 125
Beijing 113
Izmir 106
Tianjin 103
Hebei 101
San Mateo 93
Boston 90
Toronto 90
Guangzhou 82
Princeton 80
Mülheim 79
Nanchang 76
Andover 73
Changsha 73
Taiyuan 71
Taizhou 70
Zhengzhou 70
Milan 67
Hangzhou 64
Venice 63
Hong Kong 62
Ningbo 60
Haikou 57
Jiaxing 56
Brussels 55
Padova 52
Polska 46
Redwood City 44
Saint Petersburg 42
Jakarta 40
Des Moines 36
Dong Ket 36
Ottawa 35
San Diego 30
Fuzhou 28
Battaglia Terme 27
Moscow 27
Rome 27
Vienna 27
London 26
Scottsdale 26
Kunming 24
Mogliano Veneto 24
Berlin 18
Hefei 18
Los Angeles 17
Verona 17
Helsinki 16
Provo 16
Altamura 15
Norwalk 14
Sarajevo 14
Casièr 12
Treviso 12
Recoaro Terme 10
Vicenza 10
Karlsruhe 9
Philadelphia 9
Phoenix 9
San Paolo di Civitate 9
Clearwater 8
Sofia 8
Varese 8
Zanjan 8
Dolo 7
Florence 7
Henderson 7
Pionca 7
Puxian 7
Xiangfen 7
Amsterdam 6
Chengdu 6
Gloucester 6
Lanzhou 6
Legnaro 6
Orange 6
Predazzo 6
Pune 6
Washington 6
Totale 14.722
Nome #
Realtime crowdsourcing with payment of idle workers in the Retainer Model 502
The Small World of Pheromone Trails 469
Multiobjective optimization model for pricing and seat allocation in non profit performing arts organization 451
A new model for estimating the probability of information spreading with opinion leaders 444
A model for communication in a multi-segment market 407
Checking financial markets via Benford's law: The S&P 500 case 397
Dinkelbach Approach to Solving a Class of Fractional Optimal Control Problems 396
Revenue and attendance simultaneous optimization in performing arts organizations 385
Trade Discount Policies in the Differential Games Framework 375
What sequences obey Benford's law? 361
The role of retailer's performance in optimal wholesale price discount policies 352
A Modified Galam's Model 344
A fractional optimal control problem for maximizing advertising efficiency 342
Painful Birth of Trade Under Classical Monopolistic Competition 339
Leading advertisers efficiency evaluated by data envelopment analysis 314
Minimization of communication expenditure for seasonal products 304
Linear optimal control in multi-segment marketing 302
A model for multi-segment marketing 300
Decision-making models in marketing: dynamic optimization and differential games 292
Fuzzy Confirmation Measures (a)symmetry Properties 289
Conveying tourist ratings into an overall destination evaluation 288
Are traditional forecasting models suitable for hotels in Italian cities? 287
A model for the marketing of a seasonal product with different goodwills for consumer and retailer 286
Asymmetry degree as a tool for comparing interestingness measures in Decision Making: the case of Bayesian Confirmation Measures 278
Stochastic model of agent interaction with opinion leaders 270
A computational comparison between algorithms for linear fractional programming 265
Retailer’s motivation in marketing: bilevel approach 262
Chain Store Against Manufacturers: Regulation Can Mitigate Market Distortion 262
L’importanza di essere "uno" (Ovvero la legge di Benford) 262
Rough Set Analysis and short-medium term tourist Services Demand forecasting 257
The importance of being "one" (or Benford's law) 252
A modified Galam’s model for word-of-mouth information exchange 249
Monotonicity and Symmetry of IFPD Bayesian Confirmation Measures 242
Pro-competitive effects and harmful trade liberalization in multi-country world 235
Short-medium term tourist services demand forecasting with Rough Set Theory 231
A multi criteria study of collusion risk factors 230
A model for the marketing of a seasonal product with different goodwills for consumer and retailer 228
A parametric simplex-like algorithm for a fractional programming problem 228
Coexistence of Symmetry Properties for Bayesian Confirmation Measures 225
A parametric simplex-like algorithm for a quadratic fractional programming problem 222
An application of Linear Programming to sociophysics models 215
A linear optimal control model for multisegment marketing 212
Dual approach for the solution of an advertising control problem 201
A quasi-convexity condition for marginal functions and its applications 200
Equivalence between two algorithms for linear bicriteria programming problems 199
A fractional optimal control problem for maximizing advertising efficiency 199
Alcune osservazioni sulle scommesse sportive a quota fissa 198
The optimal level solutions method 195
The jump-diffusion return model: maximum likelihood estimation and applications to the Italian market 195
Computer Language Effciency via Data Envelopment Analysis 194
Appunti di Maple 193
Generalized convexity properties of marginal functions 193
Risk prevention activities and uncertainty attitude 192
Temi svolti di matematica generale 191
Analisi di sensitività in un problema di programmazione frazionaria generalizzata 187
Financial Literacy and Generation Y: Relationships Between Instruction Level and Financial Choices 178
Relations between non-tourism and tourism consumption choices: a Rough Sets approach 176
La trasformazione di Charnes-Cooper in programmazione lineare frazionaria 174
Minimization of communication expenditure for seasonal products 173
I coni di George Bouligand e Francesco Severi 170
Distorted Probabilities and Bayesian Confirmation Measures 168
Positive roots of polynomials and stationary points of real fractional functions 166
Convexity and quasi-convexity of marginal functions in case of unbounded feasible region 166
Is there any link between level of instruction and financial choices? A study on a Generation Y- based survey 161
Politiche ottime di garanzia per prodotti con tasso di guasto costante 160
Optimal control of retailer's motivation by trade discounts 158
Una applicazione della programmazione frazionaria ad un problema di leasing 157
On Fuzzy Confirmation Measures of Fuzzy Association Rules 156
On minimizing communication expenditure over a finite time horizon 152
Una procedura per la stima dei parametri del processo jump-diffusion 151
Soluzioni ottime di livello in programmazione lineare frazionaria e in alcune sue generalizzazioni: aspetti teorici ed algoritmici 147
Decisioni e probabilità soggettiva 143
Problemi di programmazione biobiettivo e frazionaria 142
Trade discount policies in the differential games framework: preliminary results 140
Linear optimal control models in multi-segment marketing: a dual approach 133
Marketing of seasonal products 131
Optimal control of trade discounts in a vertical distribution channel 128
Optimal advertising policies for seasonal products: a general linear model 125
Generalized convexity properties of marginal functions 119
Benford e l'impronta del numero 1 85
Commerce districts: conditions for customer overall satisfaction in a multi-attribute framework 74
Mathematical Programming for the Dynamics of Opinion Diffusion 39
Problematic merging and cartels: a collusion risk factors analysis 38
Symmetry properties and asymmetry evaluation of Bayesian Confirmation Measures 31
Totale 19.329
Categoria #
all - tutte 49.436
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 49.436

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.904 0 0 0 0 0 353 274 378 282 292 179 146
2020/20213.354 207 80 217 156 485 298 225 193 210 403 489 391
2021/20222.763 298 382 237 530 151 30 108 135 50 238 399 205
2022/20232.481 161 240 43 360 305 617 49 140 307 20 200 39
2023/2024978 55 55 38 38 108 215 54 106 65 34 112 98
2024/2025603 31 71 205 155 111 30 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 19.329