KAPPLER, Matthias
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.090
NA - Nord America 7.710
AS - Asia 3.506
AF - Africa 38
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 27
OC - Oceania 25
SA - Sud America 4
Totale 20.400
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.517
PL - Polonia 3.648
CN - Cina 1.751
IT - Italia 1.474
DE - Germania 807
TR - Turchia 707
SG - Singapore 567
UA - Ucraina 513
FI - Finlandia 450
IE - Irlanda 447
SE - Svezia 383
GB - Regno Unito 313
GR - Grecia 225
FR - Francia 204
CA - Canada 187
RU - Federazione Russa 180
HK - Hong Kong 109
CY - Cipro 91
ID - Indonesia 83
AT - Austria 69
BG - Bulgaria 63
CH - Svizzera 60
JP - Giappone 52
AL - Albania 49
ES - Italia 39
KR - Corea 36
VN - Vietnam 35
NL - Olanda 32
EU - Europa 27
LV - Lettonia 25
AU - Australia 24
RO - Romania 24
BE - Belgio 21
NO - Norvegia 21
ZA - Sudafrica 14
PH - Filippine 13
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 10
RS - Serbia 10
IL - Israele 9
UZ - Uzbekistan 9
IN - India 8
IR - Iran 8
DZ - Algeria 6
HU - Ungheria 6
MX - Messico 6
LB - Libano 5
BJ - Benin 4
KE - Kenya 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
BR - Brasile 3
BW - Botswana 3
EE - Estonia 3
EG - Egitto 3
PK - Pakistan 3
SI - Slovenia 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
GE - Georgia 2
LT - Lituania 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
MK - Macedonia 2
MY - Malesia 2
PT - Portogallo 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AM - Armenia 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
CL - Cile 1
CM - Camerun 1
ET - Etiopia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
OM - Oman 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 20.400
Città #
Warsaw 3.583
Woodbridge 1.372
Jacksonville 932
Chandler 724
Ann Arbor 505
Dublin 435
Singapore 418
Wilmington 287
Houston 270
Nanjing 250
Boardman 234
Istanbul 234
Dearborn 215
Ashburn 205
Venice 176
Jinan 169
Fairfield 168
Izmir 168
Shenyang 166
Beijing 165
Mestre 142
Andover 141
Boston 121
Hebei 118
Mülheim 108
Venezia 108
New York 106
Hong Kong 103
Princeton 99
Seattle 96
San Mateo 93
Montréal 91
Tianjin 91
Des Moines 88
Jakarta 80
Ankara 76
Nanchang 76
Changsha 75
Guangzhou 75
Milan 74
Toronto 69
Helsinki 67
Redwood City 65
Jiaxing 64
Athens 61
Las Vegas 54
Zhengzhou 53
Saint Petersburg 51
Hangzhou 49
Haikou 46
Cambridge 43
Ningbo 43
Sofia 41
Taiyuan 41
Berlin 39
Nicosia 38
Paris 35
Dong Ket 33
Taizhou 32
Fuzhou 30
London 29
Bonn 27
Vienna 26
Riga 25
Hefei 24
Santa Clara 24
Verona 22
Florence 21
Weinheim 21
Chicago 20
Kunming 20
Brussels 19
Orange 19
Oslo 19
Çukurova 18
Nuremberg 17
Pittsburgh 17
Brooklyn 16
Seongnam 16
Sidcup 15
Tirana 15
Muenster 14
San Diego 14
Caldarola 13
Cremlingen 13
Munich 13
Norwalk 13
Rome 13
DesMoines 12
Frankfurt am Main 12
Göttingen 12
Kocaeli 12
Lappeenranta 12
Latiano 12
Thessaloniki 12
Bogazici 11
Bologna 11
Moscow 11
Nürnberg 11
Washington 11
Totale 14.253
Nome #
Language policy and language planning in the northern part of Cyprus 953
Transcription text, regraphization, variety? – Reflections on ‘Karamanlidika’ 550
An unedited sketch of Turkish grammar (1711) by the Venetian giovane di lingua Pietr’Antonio Rizzi 407
Brigitte Heuer, Barbara Kellner-Heinkele, Claus Schönig (eds.), “Die Wunder der Schöpfung”: Mensch und Natur in der Türksprachigen Welt. 400
Thoughts on the Turkish Verses in Phanariot Poetry Collections (1750–1821) 390
Printed Balkan Turkish Texts in the Cyrillic Alphabet from the Middle of the Nineteenth Century (1841-1875): A Typological and Graphematic Approach 380
A tale of two languages: tracing the history of Turkish-Greek language contacts 351
Is There a Common Cypriot Subjunctive? 344
Das osmanische Erbe und der heutige Gebrauch des Türkischen in den Sprachen Südosteuropas 322
“Le nostre lettere sono greche, ma parliamo il turco”. «Karamanlidika» e altri casi di sincretismo grafico in ambiente ottomano 321
Remembering a Childhood in Cyprus: Taner Baybars’ “Smellscape” and Multiculturalism in His Autobiography "Plucked in a Far-Off Land" 310
The Karamanli Divan by the ‘Aşık Talib and Ottoman Lyric Poetry: a Preliminary Approach 304
A Tale of Two Languages: Tracing the History of Turkish-Greek Language Contacts 296
Coexistence linguistique sur une île séparée: le cas du turc et du grec à Chypre 278
De l’arabe au grec (et turc) chypriote: migration, voies de transmission, intermédiaries 263
Die griechischen Verse aus dem İbtidâ-nâme von Sultân Veled 260
Turkish Language Contacts in South-Eastern Europe 258
Maintenance and Renovation in the Attitudes of Ottoman Greek Intellectuals Towards Ottoman Turkish 246
Turcofolia cypriotii: Blüten, Blätter und Früchte in der türkisch-zypriotischen Volkspoesie 245
Slaven und Albaner aus der Sicht eines osmanischen Dichters des 18. Jahrhunderts 244
Language contact in spoken Ottoman: observations on graphic syncretism in a Karamanlidika book (1718) 241
B. Sagaster: Türkei. Y'ol. Weggedichte. In: Wespennest 148 233
Türkischsprachige Liebeslyrik in griechisch-osmanischen Liedanthologien des 19. Jahrhunderts 233
Le discours politico-littéraire du poète chypriote Hilmî Efendi entre critique du local et éloge du pouvoir ottoman central 232
Ζήτω ζήτω ο Σουλτάνος / Bin yaşa Padişahimiz: the Millet-i Rum singing the praises of the Sultan in the framework of Helleno-Ottomanism 230
Wenn das Wörtchen "und" nicht wär:' Die unglückliche Geschichte eines Bindeworts in historischen Sprachbeschreibungen des Osmanisch-Türkischen 228
Dialetti ‘letterari’ e ‘immaginati’: l’uso del dialetto in Murtaza di Orhan Kemal 225
Luciano Rocchi, Ricerche sulla lingua osmanli del XVI secolo. Il corpus lessicale turco del manoscritto fiorentino di Filippo Argenti (1533). Wiesbaden: 2007. 219
Le lingue turciche della Crimea fra migrazioni e estinzione 216
Sûzişât-i mü’ellefe: Contaminazioni e spigolature turcologiche – Scritti in onore di Giampiero Bellingeri 211
Mish and mishimu: an instance of language contact in Cyprus 211
Migranti per forza: lo scambio delle popolazioni fra Grecia e Turchia nella memoria dei dislocati 209
64. Jutta R. M. Çıkar, Fortschritt durch Wissen – Osmanisch-türkische Enzyklopädien der Jahre 1870-1936, Wiesbaden 2004. 208
Miş and miʃimu: an instance of language contact in Cyprus 205
60. K. Vrettákos, ΑΘΩΣ – Αγιορείτικα χρώματα και μορφές, Athína 1989. 204
13 canzoni neogreche 203
Contact-induced effects in the syntax of Cypriot Turkish 203
Eine karamanlidische Liedanthologie vom Schwarzen Meer 201
Divandrucke in der Universitätsbibliothek Zypern und der Divan des Selânikli Meşhûrî Efendi 200
“Benvenuti all’inferno”: aggressione neo-nazista e cultura hip-hop turco-tedesca negli anni Novanta 191
Intercultural aspects in and around Turkic literatures 189
Eine hundertblättrige Tulpe - Bir sadbarg lala: Festgabe für Claus Schönig 189
Cries and Whispers in Karamanlidika Books – Proceedings of the First International Conference on Karamanlidika Studies (Nicosia 11th-13th September 2008) 188
Cipro oggi 184
Über die Beziehung der griechischen Bevölkerung Konstantinopels zur osmanischen Kultur im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert 180
Der Einfluss des Türkischen auf die Sprachen Südosteuropas 177
Victor A. Friedman, Turkish in Macedonia and Beyond – Studies in Contact, Typology and other Phenomena in the Balkans and the Caucasus 176
Türkisch (in Südosteuropa) 176
Two Cypriot koinai? Structural and sociolinguistic considerations 173
A proposito di ‘ortografia caramanlidica’ 172
Ahmed Nedim 171
Cypriot Literatures as Part of the Eastern Mediterranean Contact Area (1850-1960) 167
Molly Mackenzie, Turkish Athens, Reading 1992 + Niki Eideneier & Arzu Toker (eds.), “Kalimerhaba”, Köln 1992. 166
Ahmed Haþim in traduzione greca e tedesca 164
Fra religione e lingua/grafia nei Balcani: i musulmani grecofoni (XVIII-XIX sec.) e un dizionario rimato ottomano-greco di Creta 163
Über die Funktion der Turzismen im griechischen Journalismus 163
Με χάζιν τζαι μαράζιν: τουρκικές λέξεις στο διαλεκτικό έργο του Μόντη 156
Trans-Turkic Studies. Festschrift in Honour of Marcel Erdal 156
Giorgio Denores, Discorso sopra l’isola di Cipri ... / A Discourse on the Island of Cyprus, ed. by Paschalis M. Kitromilidis, Venezia 2006. 155
‘Kelimat’: a Turkish-Greek Word List for Ottoman Primary Schools in Crete 155
Ottoman versified dictionaries for Balkan languages: a comparative analysis 154
Cosmopolitismo neo-alessandrino nelle poesie ‘erotiche’ di Kavafis 152
The first printed Turkish grammar in Greek and European Ars grammatica 152
The metaphorical use of “ethnic” clichés in Ottoman şehr-engîz literature 150
Turcismi nell’ “Alipasiadha” di Chatzi Sechretis 149
Paschalis M. Kitromilidis, Νεοελληνικός Διαφωτισμός, Athína 1996. 148
Graphic adaptation in Sultan Veled’s Greek and Turkish verses 148
Eine griechische Übersetzung (1664) von Giovanni Molinos ‘Brevi rudimenti del parlar turchesco’ 148
‘Με ανατολίτικες χειρονομίες’: Εικόνες της ισλαμικής Ανατολής και η χρήση λέξεων ανατολικής προέλευσης στον ποιητικό λόγο του Καβάφη 147
"I giovani Fanarioti" e le antologie di canzoni ottomane 145
The beloved and his otherness: reflections on “ethnic” and religious stereotypes in Ottoman love poetry 142
Turkologie und Südosteuropalinguistik 141
Siirler 140
The place of the Grammatiki tis Tourkikis Glossis (1730) by Kanellos Spanós in Ottoman Greek grammarianism and its importance for Karamanlidika studies 139
Προϋποθέσεις για μια γραφηματική προσέγγιση στα ελληνικά κείμενα γραμμένα με αραβικόν αλφάβητο 138
Cristianesimo e Islam intorno alla linea verde: sincretismo religioso a Cipro 137
Early European Grammars of Ottoman Turkish in Greek Translation: a Greek Version of Du Ryer’s ‘Rudimenta Grammatices Linguae Turcicae’ (1630) 137
‘Fuori dalla Porta...’: epurazioni e neoturcismi in neoellenico 132
Konflikt und Ideologie in den griechischen Grammatiken des Osmanischen im 19. Jahrhundert 131
Phanariotika kai astika stichourgimata stin epochi tou neoellenikou diaphotismou 125
Verso un nuovo Thesaurus dei turcismi balcanici: la dimensione dialettale e materiale sui turcismi greco-epiroti dei secoli XVIII-XIX 123
Fra religione e lingua/grafia nei Balcani II: sincretismo religioso e codeswitching presso musulmani e cristiani in Bulgaria (sec. XIX-XX) 119
Toward a linguistic approach to “Karamanlı” texts 119
Kontakt und Distanz: Träger der Turzismen in Griechenland 118
Ottoman Cyprus – A Collection of Studies on History and Cultur 118
Tracce dell’ottomano in Europa: flussi e riflessi linguistici 118
La stampa ‘caramanlidica’ 115
Questioni d’identità fra religione e lingua presso le comunità “sincretiche” dei Balcani 114
I Greci e i Balcani, tra Ottomani, Asburgo e ortodossia 112
Primavere cipriote 111
null 110
Okzident und Orient am Rande des Balkans: Ionische und festlandgriechische Dichter des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts zwischen europäischer und osmanischer Peripherie 108
Prolegomena for a Comparative Approach to Cypriot Literatures 108
Ömer Nefi 107
Michalis Pieris, Metamorfosi di città 104
L’amour voilé: poésie bilingue et plurilingue dans les anthologies grecques et bulgares des chansons ottomanes du 19ème siècle 103
Mesogeios/Marbianco: approdi poetici turchi e greci al mare e alla città 102
Two cities of beloveds, one garden of love: the case of Erotos Apotelesmata 101
Mahmud Baki 98
Toward a Common Turkish and Greek Literary History in Ottoman Cyprus 90
Totale 19.898
Categoria #
all - tutte 54.574
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 54.574

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.960 0 0 0 0 0 334 230 575 210 259 219 133
2020/20212.950 217 59 231 195 471 278 148 229 175 295 409 243
2021/20222.642 158 337 105 471 274 31 126 149 75 266 446 204
2022/20232.513 194 64 36 251 319 738 106 183 312 41 209 60
2023/20241.593 77 107 72 51 168 221 79 86 139 177 192 224
2024/20251.109 88 115 260 152 268 226 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 20.790