7.01 Working paper
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 81.252
NA - Nord America 79.497
AS - Asia 34.370
SA - Sud America 1.172
AF - Africa 637
OC - Oceania 375
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 139
Totale 197.442
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 76.922
PL - Polonia 34.072
CN - Cina 20.430
IT - Italia 17.441
SG - Singapore 6.148
UA - Ucraina 5.427
DE - Germania 4.645
IE - Irlanda 3.822
SE - Svezia 3.343
GB - Regno Unito 3.226
FI - Finlandia 2.583
HK - Hong Kong 2.491
CA - Canada 2.414
RU - Federazione Russa 1.415
TR - Turchia 1.298
AT - Austria 1.209
FR - Francia 1.131
ID - Indonesia 976
BR - Brasile 935
NL - Olanda 683
BE - Belgio 610
IN - India 500
VN - Vietnam 465
CH - Svizzera 384
AU - Australia 320
PH - Filippine 307
ES - Italia 284
JP - Giappone 242
IR - Iran 211
KR - Corea 195
ZA - Sudafrica 152
PK - Pakistan 141
BD - Bangladesh 140
EU - Europa 123
MY - Malesia 122
DK - Danimarca 120
GR - Grecia 116
RO - Romania 116
MX - Messico 110
UZ - Uzbekistan 105
BG - Bulgaria 104
KE - Kenya 89
TW - Taiwan 86
LB - Libano 76
TH - Thailandia 69
IL - Israele 65
NO - Norvegia 64
PT - Portogallo 62
CL - Cile 60
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 54
EG - Egitto 50
HU - Ungheria 49
LV - Lettonia 49
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 48
NG - Nigeria 47
NP - Nepal 46
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 44
CO - Colombia 43
GH - Ghana 40
EC - Ecuador 38
HR - Croazia 37
LU - Lussemburgo 36
TN - Tunisia 36
PE - Perù 35
BJ - Benin 33
MA - Marocco 32
LT - Lituania 31
AR - Argentina 30
AZ - Azerbaigian 30
SA - Arabia Saudita 30
ET - Etiopia 29
IQ - Iraq 29
LK - Sri Lanka 27
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 25
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 21
MW - Malawi 19
SI - Slovenia 19
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 19
ZW - Zimbabwe 14
DZ - Algeria 13
RS - Serbia 12
UG - Uganda 12
SM - San Marino 11
VE - Venezuela 11
AL - Albania 10
CR - Costa Rica 10
CY - Cipro 10
KG - Kirghizistan 10
ZM - Zambia 10
KZ - Kazakistan 9
OM - Oman 8
PY - Paraguay 8
BB - Barbados 7
BT - Bhutan 7
BW - Botswana 7
MD - Moldavia 7
MM - Myanmar 7
PS - Palestinian Territory 7
SN - Senegal 7
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 6
Totale 197.278
Città #
Warsaw 33.892
Woodbridge 9.059
Chandler 8.991
Jacksonville 8.186
Ann Arbor 6.626
Fairfield 4.937
Houston 3.986
Dublin 3.780
Ashburn 3.574
Singapore 3.509
Wilmington 2.684
Seattle 2.362
Nanjing 2.328
Jinan 2.312
Hong Kong 2.249
Mestre 2.124
Boardman 2.119
Shenyang 1.897
Cambridge 1.706
Venezia 1.631
Dearborn 1.535
Toronto 1.450
New York 1.387
Beijing 1.367
Venice 1.267
Izmir 1.127
Council Bluffs 1.117
Hebei 1.087
Guangzhou 1.067
Vienna 1.050
Boston 1.045
Milan 987
Mülheim 927
Jakarta 909
Tianjin 902
Andover 901
Princeton 896
San Mateo 877
Hangzhou 852
Nanchang 762
Changsha 715
Zhengzhou 692
Taiyuan 665
Taizhou 651
Haikou 636
Ningbo 616
Ottawa 580
Rome 570
Jiaxing 532
Des Moines 517
Brussels 481
Padova 461
Fuzhou 440
Redwood City 391
Dong Ket 362
Saint Petersburg 358
Helsinki 288
Los Angeles 286
Verona 260
London 221
Washington 206
Bologna 202
Bremen 200
Hefei 191
San Diego 174
Phoenix 156
Kunming 155
Trieste 144
Pune 129
Paris 128
Berlin 127
Moscow 126
Treviso 125
Brooklyn 124
Norwalk 120
Auburn Hills 114
Shanghai 111
Turin 108
Amsterdam 102
Southend 102
Frankfurt am Main 101
Latiano 100
Dallas 99
São Paulo 97
Naples 95
Melbourne 93
Sofia 93
Montréal 91
Leeds 89
Florence 86
Sydney 86
Sacile 81
Vicenza 77
Tokyo 76
Nuremberg 71
Barcelona 70
Den Haag 70
Lanzhou 70
Nairobi 70
Munich 67
Totale 143.712
Nome #
What is climate finance? Definitions to improve tracking and scale up of climate finance. 1.227
The emergence of discrimination due to miscategorization 910
Mapping the evolution of the robotics industry: a cross country comparison 822
Un'introduzione al rischio di credito 765
Managing digital marketing strategies in emerging markets: The case of China 726
null 712
The Rise of the Sharing Economy in Tourism: Exploring Airbnb Attributes for the Veneto Region 660
Towards Design Thinking as a Management Practice: A Learning Experiment in Teaching Innovation 553
The Beauty Ideal in Chinese Luxury Cosmetics: Adaptation Strategies of Western Companies 533
Larger is Better: The Scale Effects of the Italian Local Healthcare Authorities Amalgamation Program 513
The health care system reform in China: effects on out-of-pocket expenses and saving. 504
Estimation of Climate Change Damage Functions for 140 Regions in the GTAP9 Database 503
Accounting for tax evasion profiles and tax expenditures in microsimulation modelling. The BETAMOD model for personal income taxes in Italy 485
Do we need a stochastic trend in cay estimation? Yes. 485
Culture-based products: Integrating cultural and commercial strategies. Cases from the luxury perfumery industry 483
Co-production practices between museums and culture-based companies 478
Traces of entrepreneurship in the artistic context 475
Multiobjective optimization model for pricing and seat allocation in non profit performing arts organization 466
Finanza comportamentale. Un approccio alternativo per risparmio e investimenti 463
The Role of Public Finance in CSP: lessons from the ups and downs of CSP policies in Spain 455
A dynamic perspective on destination governance success: The case of an emerging network in the Dolomites 454
Can Climate Policy Enhance Sustainability? 451
Measurement error in occupational coding: an analysis on SHARE data 450
Art experiences and eWOM: Exploring the content of museum reviews 449
Combining the Retrospective Interviews of Wave 3 and Wave 7: The Third Release of the SHARE Job Episodes Panel 448
Risk governance and performance of the Italian banks: an empirical analysis 447
The Opportunities of Made in Italy Food in Chinese Market 438
Integrated Assessment of Natural Hazards and Climate Change Adaptation: II - The Serra Methodology 437
Acute health shocks and labour market outcomes 437
The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Employment: an Analysis of the Aggregate Evidence 435
Econometric Measures of Connectedness and Systemic Risk in the Finance and Insurance Sectors 434
Integrated Assessment of Natural Hazards and Climate Change Adaptation: I - The KULTURisk Methodological Framework 426
Extending Health Insurance: Effects of the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana 423
China’s Human Resources Development: Recent Evolution and Implications for the Global Market 417
Advertising and congestion management for a museum temporary exhibition 416
Climb on the Bandwagon: Consensus and periodicity in a lifetime utility model with strategic interactions 408
Expectations and Uncertainty: A Common-Source Infection Model for Selected European Countries 403
Analogical transfer of experience and the misuse of diversification 402
Analyzing Disparities Trends for Health Care Insurance Coverage Among Non-Elderly Adults in the US: Evidence from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 1993-2009 401
Experiential marketing and the crisis of postmodernism. Problems and perspectives 401
Formal planning and the reshaping of public sector professional work 400
The effect on mental health of retiring during the economic crisis 400
Emerging Stock Premia: Do Industries Matter? 399
A Procedure for the Ex-Ante Assessment of Compulsory Municipal Amalgamation Programs 399
Working life histories from SHARELIFE: a retrospective panel 398
Financial Education, Literacy and Investment Attitudes 396
A data envelopment analysis approach to measure the performance of mutual funds 395
Assessing the Impact of the Global Economic and Financial Crisis on Bangladesh: An Intervention Analysis 395
Assessing SDGs: A new methodology to measure sustainability 391
A Spatial Agent-Based Model to Explore Scenarios of Adaptation to Climate Change in an Alpine Tourism Destination. 389
Macroeconomic Impacts of the EU 30% GHG Mitigation Target 388
Cultural Consumption and the Artistic Benefit 385
Opzioni su titoli che pagano dividendi: proprietà e tecniche di valutazione 384
Networks in risk spillovers: a multivariate GARCH perspective 384
Esercizi di Matematica Finanziaria su foglio elettronico Excel 383
Migration, family history and pension: the second release of the SHARE Job Episodes Panel 382
First passage and excursion time models for valuing defaultable bonds 380
A note on normalization schemes: the case of generalized forecast error variance decomposition 378
IT Governance in the Digital Era 378
A Multi-Agent Model of Tax Evasion with Public Expenditure 377
A participatory approach for assessing alternative climate change adaptation responses to cope with flooding risk in the upper Brahmaputra and Danube river basins 376
Evolutionary computational approach in TAR model estimation 376
Measuring the performance of ethical mutual funds: a DEA approach 374
Bank Market Structure, Systemic Risk, and Interbank Market Breakdowns 370
The cultural omnivorousness and the consumption of performing arts 370
Modularity, interfaces definition and the integration of external sources of innovation in the automotive industry 369
Productive Efficiency in 16 European Countries 368
Citizenship and Power in an Agent-based Model of Tax Compliance with Public Expenditure 368
Bargaining Power and Value Sharing in Distribution Networks: a Cooperative Game Theory Approach 368
A generalized performance attribution technique for mutual funds 367
Proximity to Hubs of Expertise in Financial Analyst Forecast Accuracy 367
Le sanzioni economiche contro la Russia e l'adempimento dei contratti internazionali 367
Between Constraints and Coercion. Marriage and Social Reproduction in Northern and Central Italy, 18th-19th Centuries 366
The economics of hydro-meteorological disasters: approaching the estimation of the total costs 365
A Dynamic Analysis of the Microstructure of Moving Average Rules in a Double Auction Market 364
Retirement rigidities and the gap between effective and desired labour supply by older workers 363
Are employers discriminating with respect to weight? European Evidence using Quantile Regression 362
Dynamic Bank Capital Regulation in Equilibrium 361
Burden of Climate Change on Malaria Mortality 358
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies in Italy. An Economic Assessment 357
Europe 2020: Addressing Low Skill Labour Migration at times of Fragile Recovery 357
Climate Change, Tourism and Water Resources in the Mediterranean: a General Equilibrium Analysis 356
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for a Heavily Modified Water Body (HMWB): The Lambro-Seveso-Olona System Case Study 356
Organizational learning in the context of performing arts 356
Modeling Firm Heterogeneity in International Trade: Do Structural Effects Matter? 355
Home Sweet Home? Public Financing and Inequalities in the use of Home Care Services in Europe 355
(Sub) Optimality and (Non) Optimal Satisficing in Risky Decision Experiments 355
Common trends in the US state-level crime. What do panel data say? 354
Measurement error in occupational coding: an analysis on SHARE data 353
Integrating third parties in digitally mature companies: Determinants of innovation success 353
Financial Analysts' Forecast Accuracy: Do Valuation Methods Matter? 352
Internationally comparable measures of individual Social Security Wealth in SHARE Wave 4 352
Calling into Question the Link between Educational Achievement and Migrant Background 352
Criteri per l'assegnazione dei fondi delle fondazioni bancarie per interventi di assistenza e beneficenza 351
A Modified Galam's Model 351
Bayesian nonparametric sparse seemingly unrelated regression model (SUR) 351
Accounting for housing in poverty analysis 350
Evolution of the conceptual basis for the assessment of urban mobility sustainability impacts. 350
Una proposta di approccio multicriteriale alla selezione di portafoglio 350
Does Health Insurance Make you Fat? 349
Totale 42.970

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20209.632 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.320 3.476 2.110 1.726
2020/202130.675 2.028 635 2.128 1.748 4.631 2.480 2.010 2.138 2.039 3.566 4.385 2.887
2021/202222.059 1.622 3.066 2.519 3.060 1.507 443 1.024 1.944 633 1.969 1.848 2.424
2022/202326.540 1.903 1.547 538 2.857 3.726 7.271 711 1.910 3.157 423 1.903 594
2023/202415.460 876 816 758 685 1.686 2.660 906 1.115 1.434 860 1.675 1.989
2024/202515.414 684 1.077 2.262 1.903 1.776 1.653 2.604 2.598 857 0 0 0
Totale 201.344