FACCA, Chiara
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 15.572
EU - Europa 13.224
AS - Asia 6.180
SA - Sud America 53
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 41
AF - Africa 29
OC - Oceania 17
Totale 35.116
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 14.934
CN - Cina 4.356
PL - Polonia 4.070
IT - Italia 3.173
DE - Germania 1.104
SE - Svezia 993
UA - Ucraina 979
SG - Singapore 917
IE - Irlanda 787
FI - Finlandia 642
CA - Canada 634
GB - Regno Unito 627
HK - Hong Kong 344
RU - Federazione Russa 301
TR - Turchia 269
FR - Francia 195
ID - Indonesia 73
CH - Svizzera 53
NL - Olanda 51
AT - Austria 49
BE - Belgio 43
EU - Europa 40
IN - India 38
BR - Brasile 34
BG - Bulgaria 31
KR - Corea 31
IR - Iran 29
UZ - Uzbekistan 27
ES - Italia 25
VN - Vietnam 24
JP - Giappone 21
GR - Grecia 19
RO - Romania 18
HR - Croazia 12
LB - Libano 12
EG - Egitto 11
DK - Danimarca 10
IL - Israele 10
AU - Australia 9
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 8
TN - Tunisia 8
BD - Bangladesh 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
NO - Norvegia 6
PH - Filippine 6
SI - Slovenia 6
AR - Argentina 5
CO - Colombia 5
MA - Marocco 5
EC - Ecuador 4
IQ - Iraq 4
LV - Lettonia 4
MX - Messico 4
ZA - Sudafrica 4
MT - Malta 3
RS - Serbia 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
AL - Albania 2
CL - Cile 2
JE - Jersey 2
KW - Kuwait 2
LT - Lituania 2
MD - Moldavia 2
NP - Nepal 2
PE - Perù 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
BJ - Benin 1
IS - Islanda 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MY - Malesia 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PT - Portogallo 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TW - Taiwan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 35.116
Città #
Warsaw 4.018
Woodbridge 2.240
Chandler 1.877
Jacksonville 1.713
Ann Arbor 1.131
Fairfield 871
Dublin 781
Ashburn 683
Singapore 645
Wilmington 620
Houston 609
Venice 564
Nanjing 506
Jinan 491
Toronto 425
San Mateo 422
Mestre 409
Boardman 404
Shenyang 397
Seattle 394
Venezia 368
Hong Kong 338
New York 282
Dearborn 269
Beijing 268
Cambridge 264
Izmir 262
Hebei 243
Des Moines 226
Boston 218
Guangzhou 212
Tianjin 206
Mülheim 192
Princeton 191
Ottawa 189
Changsha 183
Andover 177
Hangzhou 172
Nanchang 167
Taiyuan 154
Taizhou 145
Zhengzhou 134
Haikou 118
Ningbo 117
Padova 115
Jiaxing 107
Saint Petersburg 106
Milan 104
Latiano 91
Fuzhou 90
Redwood City 87
Jakarta 71
Rome 63
Hefei 55
Bremen 51
Brussels 43
San Diego 43
Helsinki 40
Verona 40
Polska 35
Southend 34
London 32
Philadelphia 32
Berlin 31
Los Angeles 31
Sofia 29
Washington 29
Norwalk 27
Shanghai 27
San Paolo di Civitate 25
Kunming 24
Orange 24
Moscow 23
Trieste 23
Altamura 22
Dong Ket 21
Vittorio Veneto 21
Xiangfen 21
Ferrara 20
Pune 20
Jesolo 19
Puxian 17
Treviso 16
Turin 16
Vienna 16
Den Haag 15
Dorfen 15
Falls Church 15
Auburn Hills 14
Follina 14
Chicago 13
Fremont 13
Horia 13
Noale 12
Phoenix 11
Baotou 10
Cairo 10
Dolo 10
Frankfurt Am Main 10
Montréal 10
Totale 26.221
Nome #
Using fish assemblage to identify success criteria for seagrass habitat restoration 531
Influence of seasonality, air mass origin and particulate matter chemical composition on airborne bacterial community structure in the Po Valley, Italy 462
Natural recovery and policy interventions of coastal wetlands: Venice Lagoon (Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy) as a case study. 459
Le fanerogame come indicatori di stato trofico in laguna di Venezia 422
Harmful Algae Records in Venice Lagoon and in Po River Delta (Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy). 415
Assessment of Veneto Transitional Waters by applying the Multimetric Phytoplankton Index and thr Macrophytes Quality Index. 405
Coastal lagoon recovery by SEagrass RESTOration. A new strategic approach to meet HD & WFD objectives. 399
Description of a multimetric phytoplankton Index (MPI) for the assessment of transitional waters 399
Role of environmental variables and heavy metal contamination in affecting diatom diversity in Adriatic transitional ecosystems. 391
Tapes philippinarum seed exposure to metals in polluted areas of the Venice lagoon 390
Coastal Lagoon Recovery by Seagrass Restoration in Venice Lagoon. Concrete actions for seagrass transplantations and monitoring activities for the assessment of ecological status. 385
Aquatic Angiosperm Transplantation: A Tool for Environmental Management and Restoring in Transitional Water Systems 373
Validation of the Macrophyte Quality Index (MaQI) set up to assess the ecological status of Italian marine transitional environments. 363
Assessing eutrophication in transitional waters: a performance analysis of the Transitional Water Quality Index (TWQI) under seasonal fluctuations. 339
Biodiversity in four stations along the Northern Adriatic Sea. 337
Stato trofico e stato ecologico dell'area settentrionale del bacino nord della laguna veneta. 335
La rete ecologica a lungo termine (LTER-ITALIA): risultati, opportunità e limiti per gli ecosistemi lagunari. 330
Macrophytes and ecological status assessment in the Po delta transitional systems, Adriatic Sea (Italy). Application of Macrophyte Quality Index (MaQI) 328
Interventi di ricolonizzazione di angiosperme acquatiche: risultati del primo anno di trapianti nell'ambito del progetto Life SERESTO (LIFE12 NAT/IT/000331). 318
Cambio della flora e della vegetazione acquatica in gradienti ecologici dalle Bocche di porto ad alcune valli da pesca della laguna veneta. 315
First assessment of the ecological status in seagrass restoration sites of the Northern Venice lagoon: application of macrophyte, macrobenthos and fish index 314
Environmental assessment of marine coastal areas of north-west Adriatic Sea based on macrophyte diversity. 313
Spatial variability of benthic diatoms in somw Adriatic transitional Systems. 312
Planktonic and benthic microalgae in choked areas of the Venice lagoon and their relationships with water and sediment physico-chemical parameters. 310
Condizioni trofiche estive della laguna di Grado-Marano in relazione alla distribuzione di nutrienti e diatomee nelle acque e nei sedimenti. 287
Stato ecologico di aree confinate in valli da pesca e in laguna aperta. 285
Sedimentation rates and erosion processes in the lagoon of Venice 284
The Redentore fish die-off in the Lagoon of Venice: an integrated view. 282
Seagrass restoration in Venice lagoon: integrate analysis of environmental parameters and ecological communities on transplanted sites. 280
Response of Venice Lagoon Ecosystem to Natural and Anthropogenic Pressures over the Last 50 Years 276
Valutazione del carico trofico in aree a Zostera marina L. (laguna di Venezia, Italia e laguna di Thau, Francia). 274
Macrofite e stato ecologico dell'area individuata per il passaggio delle grandi navi nella laguna di Venezia 274
Changes in abundance and composition of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos due to increased sediment fluxes in the Venice lagoon, Italy 269
Biotic and abiotic factors affecting seasonal and spatial distribution of meiofauna and macrophytobenthos in transitional coastal waters: the case of Venice lagoon 265
Macrophytes and Ecological Status in Transitional Systems: turbid waters and trophic conditions. The Veneto and Emilia-Romagna lagoons as study case. 263
Epipelic diatom spatial and temporal distribution and relationship with the main environmental parameters in coastal waters. 257
Annual growth and environmental relationships of the invasive species Sargassum muticum and Undaria pinnatifida in the lagoon of Venice 255
Abbondanza e diversità del fitoplancton e delle diatomee bentoniche in laguna di Venezia 254
Interannual heavy element and nutrient concentration trends in the top sediments of Venice Lagoon (Italy) 254
Role of macroalgal biomass and clam fishing on spatial and temporal changes in N and P sedimentary pools in the central part of the Venice lagoon 250
La pesca artigianale in laguna di Venezia. Guida di buone pratiche e tutela della biodiversità 250
Diatom quantification and their distribution with salinity brines in coastalsediments of Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica). 242
Linking food web functioning and habitat diversity for an ecosystem based management: a Mediterranean lagoon case-study. 240
Using phytoplankton and macrophytes to assess the trophic and ecological status of some Italian transitional systems. 236
Macrofite, condizioni trofiche e stato ecologico della laguna di Grado-Marano 235
Comparing the diatom occurrence in areas colonized by natural and transplanted Nanozostera noltii (Hornemann) Tomlinson et Posluzny populations in Venice lagoon. 232
Spatial distribution and seasonal changes of environmental parameters and nutrient concentrations in the waters of the venice lagoon. 231
Seasonal and spatial distribution of phytoplankton in the Veneto lagoons (Caorle and Po Delta lagoons, Italy). 229
Interazione acqua-sedimento: le microalghe della laguna di Venezia. 228
Lagoon Resident Fish Species of Conservation Interest According to the Habitat Directive (92/43/CEE): A Review on Their Potential Use as Ecological Indicator Species 228
Diatomee planctoniche e bentoniche: abbondanza e diversità nella laguna di Venezia 223
Sediment grain-size and dry density changes in the lagoon of Venice. 220
Validation of a new tool for seafood safety and traceability: the case of Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum 219
Compliance of the Macrophyte Quality index (MaQI) with the WFD (2000/60/EC) and ecological status assessment in transitional areas: The Venice lagoon as study case. 219
Recording the occurrence of trophic level changes in the lagoon of Venice over the '90s 218
Validation of the Macrophyte Quality Index (MaQI) set up to assess the ecological status of the Italian marine transitional environments 215
Vademecum Life12 NAT/IT/000331 - Seresto. Habitat 1150* (Coastal Lagoon) recovery by seagrass restoration. A new strategic approach to meet HD & WFD objectives. 207
Serie temporali nella laguna di Venezia. Analisi dei popolamenti fitoplanctonici dal 1977 al 2004 206
Trophic Conditions in the Waters of the Venice Lagoon (Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy). 202
Cambio della flora e della vegetazione acquatica in gradienti ecologici dalle bocche di porto ad alcune valli da pesca della laguna veneta. 202
Substrate preparation for Agaricus bisporus cultivation 202
Sedimentation rates, erosive processes, grain-size and sediment density changes In the lagoon of Venice. 201
Temporal and spatial distribution of diatoms in the surface sediment of the central part of the Venice lagoon 201
Seasonal and spatial distribution of phytoplankton in the Veneto lagoons (Caorle and Po Delta lagoons, Italy). 201
Phytoplankton spatial and temporal distribution in the central part of the Venice lagoon 200
Azioni integrate di promozione della venericoltura sostenibile per la tutela della Laguna di Venezia (VE.LA). Azione 1: “Raccolta dati, analisi ed individuazione aree target”. 198
Nutrient concentration updating in the waters of the Venice lagoon. 197
Trophic state and ecological status assessment by the application of the CARLIT index in the Northern Adriatic Sea 197
Impact of driving factors on macrophyte dominance in the Italian transitional environments. 197
Growth and production of Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson in the Venice lagoon 196
Role of environmental factors in affecting macrophyte dominance in transitional environments: The Italian Lagoons as a study case 196
Trophic state and primary producer changes in the central part of the Venice Lagoon 194
Changes in sediment heavy metals contamination and bathymetry in the lagoon of Venice in the last two decades 194
Biodiversity changes after seagrass transplantation in coastal lagoon (habitat 1150*): Life Seresto Project in Venice Lagoon (Italy). 194
Implementazione dei SIC marini della Regione Veneto: Ambienti di Transizione ed aree costiere. 190
Implementazione dei SIC marini della Regione Veneto: Ambienti di Transizione ed aree costiere. 189
Organic carbon changes in the surface sediments of the Venice lagoon 189
Macrophytes in the anthropic constructions of the Venice littorals and their ecological assessment by an integration of the “CARLIT” index. 187
Rapid Quality Index (R-MaQI), based mainly on macrophyte associations, to assess the ecological status of Mediterranean transitional environments 186
Environmental assessment of marine coastal areas of North-West Adriatic Sea based on Macrophyte Diversity. 186
Interazione acqua-sedimento: le microalghe della laguna di Venezia. 185
Flora e vegetazione dei sistemi di transizione del Po, parametri ambientali e stato ecologico. 178
Profilo trofico della laguna di Venezia: confronto delle concentrazioni passate e recenti dei principali nutrienti nelle acque e nei sedimenti superficiali. 177
Restoration of the habitat 1150* by transplantation of aquatic angiosperms in the northern basin of Venice Lagoon: The Life "SeResto" project. 177
The Life “SeResto” project. A new strategic approach to meet HD & WFD objectives by SEagrass RESTOration. 176
Variazioni di produzione primaria, distribuzione, tassonomia e ruolo ambientale di macroalghe e fanerogame marine in laguna di Venezia. 175
Assemblages and ecological role of diatoms in the surface sediment of the Venice lagoon 174
Environmental restoration by aquatic angiosperm transplants in transitional water systems: The Venice Lagoon as a case study 172
Crescita di Sargassum muticum ed Undaria pinnatifida in relazione a differenti parametri ambientali in due aree della laguna di Venezia. 171
Success of aquatic angiosperm transplantation in the northern Venice Lagoon. 169
Seagrass restoring as measure to meet the Water Framework Directive objectives. Preliminary results from LIFE SERSTO project. 169
PCDD/F and dioxin-like PCB bioaccumulation by Manila clam from polluted areas of Venice lagoon (Italy). 167
Using fish community to identify success criteria for seagrass habitat restoration. 165
Nutrient Changes in Surface Sediments of the Venice Lagoon Central Basin 164
Tapes philippinarum Adams & Reeve harvesting effects on sediment settlement rates and erosion processes in the lagoon of Venice. Italy. 163
Temporal and spatial changes of macroalgae and phytoplankton in shallow coastal areas: The Venice lagoon as a study case 162
Azioni integrate di promozione della venericoltura sostenibile per la tutela della Laguna di Venezia (VE.LA).Azione 3. Studio di fattibilità per interventi strutturali di sistemazione superficiale. 162
Totale 25.120
Categoria #
all - tutte 100.835
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 100.835

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.607 0 0 0 0 0 0 364 805 333 583 358 164
2020/20216.002 355 79 401 207 976 587 432 366 342 640 1.025 592
2021/20225.982 437 829 480 891 431 61 197 578 150 742 771 415
2022/20235.331 396 370 103 569 689 1.473 246 334 629 63 350 109
2023/20242.205 143 146 96 78 276 441 96 169 171 62 279 248
2024/20251.607 109 146 401 307 248 193 203 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 35.887