Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 12.972
EU - Europa 5.473
AS - Asia 3.130
SA - Sud America 32
OC - Oceania 15
AF - Africa 14
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 12
Totale 21.648
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 12.921
CN - Cina 2.052
IT - Italia 1.394
PL - Polonia 986
DE - Germania 579
SG - Singapore 565
UA - Ucraina 533
IE - Irlanda 458
GB - Regno Unito 407
SE - Svezia 369
FI - Finlandia 190
HK - Hong Kong 187
RU - Federazione Russa 156
TR - Turchia 139
AT - Austria 105
NL - Olanda 64
CA - Canada 50
FR - Francia 50
ID - Indonesia 42
SI - Slovenia 35
GR - Grecia 31
BE - Belgio 28
IN - India 27
KR - Corea 27
BR - Brasile 25
CH - Svizzera 23
JP - Giappone 20
ES - Italia 19
AU - Australia 13
BG - Bulgaria 13
EU - Europa 11
IL - Israele 9
VN - Vietnam 9
BD - Bangladesh 8
UZ - Uzbekistan 8
BJ - Benin 6
CL - Cile 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
EE - Estonia 5
PH - Filippine 5
TW - Taiwan 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
DK - Danimarca 4
IR - Iran 4
KZ - Kazakistan 4
LB - Libano 4
PK - Pakistan 4
GH - Ghana 3
MT - Malta 3
RO - Romania 3
AL - Albania 2
ET - Etiopia 2
HR - Croazia 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MD - Moldavia 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
NO - Norvegia 2
NP - Nepal 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PT - Portogallo 2
TN - Tunisia 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
CO - Colombia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LT - Lituania 1
MA - Marocco 1
MY - Malesia 1
PA - Panama 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 21.648
Città #
Woodbridge 2.234
Fairfield 1.741
Chandler 1.007
Warsaw 974
Jacksonville 918
Ashburn 890
Houston 878
Ann Arbor 803
Seattle 705
Wilmington 638
Cambridge 600
Dublin 456
Singapore 397
Nanjing 240
Beijing 217
Boardman 216
Jinan 194
Shenyang 181
Venezia 179
Hong Kong 170
Mestre 170
Southend 143
Andover 141
San Mateo 141
Dearborn 137
New York 135
Izmir 132
Boston 121
Des Moines 117
Mülheim 109
Hebei 107
Hangzhou 105
Guangzhou 100
Princeton 100
Venice 99
Zhengzhou 93
Vienna 91
Tianjin 78
Changsha 70
Haikou 65
Rome 65
San Diego 64
Nanchang 63
Taiyuan 59
Jiaxing 56
Altamura 50
Saint Petersburg 49
San Paolo di Civitate 49
Ningbo 48
Redwood City 44
London 41
Milan 41
Taizhou 41
Fuzhou 40
Los Angeles 40
Jakarta 38
Pisa 33
Toronto 32
Verona 29
Brussels 27
Helsinki 26
Norwalk 25
Brooklyn 23
Hefei 21
Kilburn 19
Noale 19
Bremen 16
Kunming 16
Moscow 15
Santa Clara 15
Shanghai 14
Mira 13
Redmond 12
Sofia 12
Auburn Hills 11
Lappeenranta 11
Pune 11
São Paulo 11
Washington 11
Berlin 10
Chicago 10
Ottawa 10
Udine 10
Xiangfen 10
Dong Ket 9
Leipzig 9
Padova 9
Chengdu 8
New Bedfont 8
Tappahannock 8
Tokyo 8
Treviso 8
Vicenza 8
Vittorio Veneto 8
Bologna 7
Dallas 7
Philadelphia 7
Arzignano 6
Cotonou 6
Hounslow 6
Totale 17.274
Nome #
Quality versus efficiency in document scoring with learning-to-rank models 548
Fast Ranking with Additive Ensembles of Oblivious and Non-Oblivious Regression Trees 407
A Constraint-based Querying System for Exploratory Pattern Discovery 397
Adult content consumption in online social networks 369
QuickScorer: A Fast Algorithm to Rank Documents with Additive Ensembles of Regression Trees 368
Electoral Predictions with Twitter: A Machine-Learning approach 363
Parallel Traversal of Large Ensembles of Decision Trees 357
SEL: A unified algorithm for salient entity linking 356
Fast Connected Components Computation in Large Graphs by Vertex Pruning 340
QuickRank: a C++ Suite of Learning to Rank Algorithms 337
X-CLEAVER: Learning Ranking Ensembles by Growing and Pruning Trees 326
SEL: A unified algorithm for entity linking and saliency detection 324
Automatic controversy detection in social media: A content-independent motif-based approach 323
Twitter anticipates bursts of requests for Wikipedia articles 314
Social–Spatiotemporal Analysis of Topical and Polarized Communities in Online Social Networks 296
On the behaviour of deviant communities in online social networks 282
Sentiment-enhanced multidimensional analysis of online social networks: Perception of the mediterranean refugees crisis 277
Sentiment spreading: An epidemic model for lexicon-based sentiment analysis on twitter 270
Improving Europeana search experience using query logs 267
Continuation Methods and Curriculum Learning for Learning to Rank 267
Boosting learning to rank with user dynamics and continuation methods 266
Selective Gradient Boosting for Effective Learning to Rank 265
Cracker: Crumbling Large Graphs Into Connected Components 264
On Including the user dynamic in learning to rank 263
Multicore/Manycore Parallel Traversal of Large Forests of Regression Trees 258
LEARning Next gEneration Rankers (LEARNER 2017) 251
Efficient and Effective Query Expansion for Web Search 250
A Unifying Framework for Mining Approximate Top-k Binary Patterns 241
RDF Graph Summarization Based on Approximate Patterns 238
A Privacy Preserving Web Recommender System 236
A metric cache for similarity search. 235
Speeding up Document Ranking with Rank-based Features 234
Direct local pattern sampling by efficient two-step random procedures 234
Detecting Task-Based Query Sessions Using Collaborative Knowledge 232
Learning to rank user queries to detect search tasks 230
Identifying task-based sessions in search engine query logs 229
X-Dart: Blending dropout and pruning for efiicient learning to rank 221
Adversarial training of gradient-boosted decision trees 218
Supervised Evaluation of Top-k Itemset Mining Algorithms 216
Perception of social phenomena through the multidimensional analysis of online social networks 216
Discovering tasks from search engine query logs 215
How random walks can help tourism 214
Fast feature selection for learning to rank 213
Building a web-scale image similarity search system 211
CONQUEST: a Constraint-based Querying System for Exploratory Pattern Discovery 210
Caching query-biased snippets for efficient retrieval. 210
SELEcTor: Discovering Similar Entities on LinkEd DaTa by Ranking Their Features 204
Caching Content-based Queries for Robust and Efficient Image Retrieval 203
Efficiency/Effectiveness Trade-offs in Learning to Rank 203
Mining Query Logs to Optimize Index Partitioning in Parallel Web Search Engines 200
Mining Frequent Closed Itemsets from Distributed repositories 196
Post-Learning Optimization of Tree Ensembles for Efficient Ranking 194
Evaluating top-K approximate patterns via text clustering 192
RankEval: An evaluation and analysis framework for learning-To-rank solutions 192
Exploiting CPU SIMD extensions to speed-up document scoring with tree ensembles 191
Polarized User and Topic Tracking in Twitter 190
On Interactive Pattern Mining from Relational Databases 185
A motif-based approach for identifying controversy 185
Rights protection of trajectory datasets with nearest-neighbor preservation 183
Dexter 2.0 - an Open Source Tool for Semantically Enriching Data 182
You should read this! Let me explain you why: Explaining news recommendations to users 182
Mining Top-K Patterns from Binary Datasets in presence of Noise 181
Treant: training evasion-aware decision trees 180
Similarity Caching in Large-Scale Image Retrieval 176
(Query) History Teaches Everything, Including the Future 173
Mining frequent closed itemsets out-of-core 172
Mining@Home:Public resource Computing For Distributed Data Mining 172
Document similarity self-join with MapReduce 170
Fast and Memory Efficient Mining of Frequent Closed Itemsets 170
Preserving Privacy in Web Recommender Systems 168
Learning relatedness measures for entity linking 165
Do violent people smile? Social Media analysis of their profile pictures 165
DCI_Closed: A Fast and Memory Efficient Algorithm to Mine Frequent Closed Itemsets 163
From chatter to headlines: Harnessing the real-time web for personalized news recommendation 162
Embedding and retrieving private metadata in electrocardiograms 161
Learning to Rank in Theory and Practice: From Gradient Boosting to Neural Networks and Unbiased Learning 161
Parallel Mining of Frequent Closed Patterns: Harnessing Modern Computer Architectures 160
Generative Pattern Model for Mining Binary Datasets 160
Certifying decision trees against evasion attacks by program analysis 159
When entities meet query recommender systems: Semantic search shortcuts 157
Modeling and Predicting the Task-by-task Behavior of Search Engine Users 153
Efficient Traversal of Large Ensembles of Decision Trees. 149
Query-level Early Exit for Additive Learning-to-Rank Ensembles 148
Caching Algorithms for Similarity Search 145
Dexter: an Open Source Framework for Entity Linking 143
Manual Annotation of Semi-Structured Documents for Entity-Linking 142
Right-protected data publishing with provable distance-based mining 140
Mining@home: Towards a Public ResourceComputing Framework for Distributed Data Mining 123
LSDS-IR'11: The 9th Workshop on Large-scale and Distributed Systems for Information Retrieval 121
Learning Early Exit Strategies for Additive Ranking Ensembles 121
Summarizing Linked Data RDF Graphs Using Approximate Graph Pattern Mining 120
AMEBA: An Adaptive Approach to the Black-Box Evasion of Machine Learning Models 117
Report on LEARNER 2017 115
LSDS-IR ’10: 8th workshop on large-scale distributed systems for information retrieval. 110
On the Value of Query Logs for Modern Information Retrieval 109
Feature partitioning for robust tree ensembles and their certification in adversarial scenarios 101
GAM Forest Explanation 97
Interpretable Ranking Using LambdaMART (Abstract) 97
Beyond robustness: Resilience verification of tree-based classifiers 89
EiFFFeL: Enforcing Fairness in Forests by Flipping Leaves 81
Totale 21.336
Categoria #
all - tutte 72.858
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 72.858

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.338 0 0 0 0 0 444 306 465 398 350 252 123
2020/20214.475 265 294 360 230 678 438 362 264 332 463 490 299
2021/20223.511 381 468 289 470 313 45 169 81 76 352 629 238
2022/20233.116 186 267 87 309 391 859 141 195 359 31 228 63
2023/20241.350 74 76 76 52 193 230 85 118 125 91 73 157
2024/2025953 57 96 184 276 255 85 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 22.091