WOLFE, Charles
WOLFE, Charles
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali
"Cabinet d'histoire naturelle," or: The interplay of nature and artifice in Diderot's naturalism
2009-01-01 Wolfe, Charles
"Georges Canguilhem’in Biyo-Felsefesi”
2020-01-01 Wolfe, Charles
'The Brain Is a Book Which Reads Itself': Cultured Brains and Reductive Materialism from Diderot to J. J. C. Smart
2014-01-01 Wolfe, Charles
A Happiness Fit for Organic Bodies: La Mettrie's Medical Epicureanism
2009-01-01 Wolfe, Charles
Antonio Negri’s Ontology of Empire and Multitude
2010-01-01 Wolfe, Charles
Book Reviews: Les corps vils: Exp?rimenter sur les ?tres humains aux XVIIIe et XIXe si?cles
2011-01-01 Wolfe, Charles T.
Boundary crossings: The blurring of the human/animal divide as naturalization of the soul in early modern philosophy
2017-01-01 Wolfe, Charles
Brain theory : essays in critical neurophilosophy
2014-01-01 Wolfe, Charles
Canguilhem and the Logic of Life
2018-01-01 Etxeberria, Arantza; Wolfe, Charles T.
Chance between holism and reductionism: Tensions in the conceptualisation of Life
2012-01-01 Wolfe, Charles
Critical Review: On Catherine Wilson'S Epicureanism at the Origins of Modernity
2010-01-01 Wolfe, Charles T.
Desiderio del mostro : dal circo al laboratorio alla politica
2001-01-01 Fadini, ; Ubaldo and Negri, ; Antonio and Wolfe, ; Wolfe, Charles
Determinism/Spinozism in the Radical Enlightenment: the cases of Anthony Collins and Denis Diderot
2007-01-01 Wolfe, Charles
2019-01-01 Wolfe, Charles
Diderot and materialist theories of the self
2015-01-01 Wolfe, Charles
Diderot et l'approche déterministe de l'esprit: Un autre déterminisme?
2014-01-01 Wolfe, Charles T.
Do organisms have an ontological status?
2010-01-01 Wolfe, Charles T
Empiricism contra Experiment: Harvey, Locke and the Revisionist View of Experimental Philosophy
2009-01-01 Salter &, Alan; Wolfe, Charles
Endowed molecules and emergent organization: The maupertuis-diderot debate
2010-01-01 Wolfe, Charles
Entretien sur l’histoire du matérialisme
2020-01-01 Wolfe, Charles