Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati
A Quantitative Instrument to Collect Data on CLIL Teacher Motivation
2017-01-01 Bier, Ada
BIER, A. (2013), “The motivation of adolescent pupils to learn English as a foreign language: A case study”.
2013-01-01 Bier, Ada
BIER, A. (2013): MENEGALE, M. (2013) (Ed.), Autonomy in Language Learning: Getting Learners Actively Involved, [ePub], Canterbury, UK: IATEFL.
2013-01-01 Bier, Ada
BIER, A. (2014), “The Motivation of Second/Foreign Language Teachers: A Review of the Literature”.
2014-01-01 Bier, Ada
BIER, A. (2014): SWAIN, M., KINNEAR, P., & STEINMAN, L. (2011), Sociocultural Theory in Second Language Acquisition: An Introduction through Narratives. Bristol (UK): Multilingual Matters.
2014-01-01 Bier, Ada
BIER, A. (2015), “An exploration of the link between language and cognition: from Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory to CLIL”.
2015-01-01 Bier, Ada
BIER, A. (2015): DÖRNYEI, Z., & KUBANYIOVA, M. (2014), Motivating Learners, Motivating Teachers. Building vision in the language classroom. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
2015-01-01 Bier, Ada
BIER, A. (2015): MENEGALE, M. (2015), Apprendimento linguistico: una questione di autonomia? Modelli di sviluppo dell’autonomia di apprendimento linguistico e prospettive educative possibili. Trento, Italia: Erickson.
2015-01-01 Bier, Ada
Bisogni e preoccupazioni del corpo docente impegnato in English Medium Instruction (EMI) Una prospettiva italiana post-pandemia
2023-01-01 Borsetto, Elena; Bier, Ada
Building on International Good Practices and Experimenting with Different Teaching Methods to Address Local Training Needs: The Academic Lecturing Experience
2021-01-01 Borsetto, Elena; Bier, Ada
Doing Content and Language Integrated Learning With a Minority Language: A Teacher Development Model
2020-01-01 Menegale, Marcella; Bier, Ada
Fare CLIL... par Furlan!: dal MOOC alla community?
2020-01-01 Bier, Ada; Menegale, Marcella
From effective lecturing behaviour to hidden cognitions: a preliminary model explaining the Language-Teaching Methodology Interface
2022-01-01 Bier, Ada
Invested effort for learning in CLIL and student motivation: How much are they related? Answers from the Italian context
2017-01-01 Bier, Ada
La didattica delle lingue nel nuovo millennio. Le sfide dell’internazionalizzazione
2018-01-01 Coonan, Carmel Mary; Bier, Ada; Ballarin, Elena
La motivazione nell'insegnamento in CLIL
2018-01-01 Bier, Ada
La questione della motivazione nell’insegnamento in CLIL : una ricerca su insegnanti e studenti nella scuola secondaria superiore
2017-01-25 Bier, Ada
On the hidden dimension of the interface between language and teaching methodology: Lecturers’ cognitions on EMI
2020-01-01 Bier, Ada
On the Interplay between Strategic Competence and Language Competence in Lecturing through English. Findings from Italy
2020-01-01 Bier, Ada
Serragiotto, G. (2014), Dalle microlingue disciplinari al CLIL.
2016-01-01 Bier, Ada