ZUPPI, Giovanni Maria
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.196
EU - Europa 2.941
AS - Asia 1.925
AF - Africa 14
SA - Sud America 5
OC - Oceania 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 11.087
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.050
CN - Cina 1.469
PL - Polonia 480
DE - Germania 394
UA - Ucraina 370
IT - Italia 351
FI - Finlandia 332
IE - Irlanda 321
GB - Regno Unito 230
SE - Svezia 218
SG - Singapore 215
CA - Canada 146
TR - Turchia 134
RU - Federazione Russa 111
HK - Hong Kong 72
FR - Francia 58
CH - Svizzera 28
IR - Iran 18
BE - Belgio 12
AT - Austria 11
NL - Olanda 8
MA - Marocco 6
UZ - Uzbekistan 6
GR - Grecia 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
BR - Brasile 4
NE - Niger 4
AU - Australia 3
IN - India 3
RO - Romania 3
VN - Vietnam 3
ES - Italia 2
KR - Corea 2
TN - Tunisia 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CL - Cile 1
EU - Europa 1
GH - Ghana 1
HR - Croazia 1
JP - Giappone 1
LB - Libano 1
LV - Lettonia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
TG - Togo 1
Totale 11.087
Città #
Jacksonville 772
Fairfield 661
Woodbridge 621
Ann Arbor 578
Chandler 537
Warsaw 474
Houston 380
Ashburn 326
Dublin 321
Seattle 256
Cambridge 239
Wilmington 236
Nanjing 203
Jinan 166
Boardman 165
Izmir 130
Shenyang 126
Dearborn 120
Toronto 115
Mestre 109
Singapore 108
Boston 96
Hebei 93
Mülheim 83
Princeton 83
Zhengzhou 74
Beijing 73
Guangzhou 73
Nanchang 73
Hong Kong 72
Andover 71
New York 69
Tianjin 64
San Mateo 57
Taizhou 57
Changsha 56
Jiaxing 49
Haikou 48
Hangzhou 45
Taiyuan 40
Milan 38
Saint Petersburg 36
Redwood City 31
Ningbo 30
Berlin 25
Des Moines 25
Fuzhou 25
Ottawa 24
San Diego 24
Verona 19
Hefei 18
Kunming 14
Venice 14
Norwalk 13
Altamura 11
Moscow 11
Munich 11
Xiangfen 11
Brussels 10
Orange 10
Zanjan 10
Leawood 9
Frankfurt Am Main 7
Marano Di Napoli 6
San Paolo di Civitate 6
Simi Valley 6
Auburn Hills 5
Lausanne 5
London 5
Novara 5
Philadelphia 5
Puxian 5
Latiano 4
Los Angeles 4
Sofia 4
Changle 3
Chengdu 3
Chicago 3
Chongqing 3
Dallas 3
Dong Ket 3
Lucca 3
Marghera 3
Redmond 3
Shanghai 3
Winnipeg 3
Xian 3
Yicheng 3
Bari 2
Casablanca 2
Catania 2
Ceccano 2
Chioggia 2
Clearwater 2
Concordia Sagittaria 2
Council Bluffs 2
Focsani 2
Fushan 2
Glasgow 2
Groningen 2
Totale 8.468
Nome #
Water quality decline in coastal aquifers under anthropic pressure: the case of a suburban area of Dakar (Senegal). 266
Processes affecting groundwater quality in arid zones: The case of the Bou-Areg coastal aquifer (North Morocco) 237
Influence of precipitation and deep saline groundwater on the hydrological systems of Mediterranean coastal plains: a general overview. 235
Application of multiple isotopic and geochemical tracers for investigation of recharge, salinization, and residence time of water in the Souss-Massa aquifer, Southwest of Morocco 209
Coincident application of a mass balance of radium and a hydrodynamicmodel for the seasonal quantification of groundwater flux into the VeniceLagoon, Italy 206
Dynamic processes in the Venice Region outlined by environmental isotopes 204
Natural tracers and isotope techniques to definer groundwater recharge and salinization in the Bou Areg coastal aquifer (North Morocco). 198
Hydrogeochemistry of the Corsaglia Valley, Maritime Alps, Piedmont, Italy 191
Effect of a contaminated site (the S. Giuliano landfill, Venice, Italy) on the interaction between water bodies in a coastal aquifer system 187
Dosage par fluorescence x du chlore et du brome dans les eaux naturelles, les saumures et les evaporites 186
Hydrochemistry and isotope geochemistry as tools for groundwater hydrodynamic investigation in multilayer aquifers: a case study from Lomellina, Po plain, South-Western Lombardy, Italy 186
A regional survey on nitrate contamination of the Po valley alluvial aquifer (Northern Italy). 186
The sedimentary coastal basin of Togo: example of a multilayered aquifer still influenced by a palaeo-seawater intrusion 185
Stable isotopes of bulk organic matter to trace carbon and nitrogen dynamics in an estuarine ecosystem in Babitonga Bay (Santa Catarina, Brazil) 185
Echanges nappe-rivière en vallée alpine: quantification et modélisation (Vallée d'Aoste, Italie) 176
Chemical and isotopic measurements of geothermal discharges in the Acqui terme district, Piedmont, Italy 175
Fluid Geochemistry as Indicator of Tectonically-Related, Deep Water Circulations in the Sardinian Rift-Campidano Graben (Italy): New Insights from Environmental Isotopes 170
Hydrological mixing and geochemical processes characterization in an estuarine / mangrove system using environmental tracers in Babitonga Bay (Santa Catarina, Brazil) 168
Eaux fortement minéralisées et circulations profondes dans le socle. Exemple des Alpes franco-italiennes 164
The altitude effect on the isotopic composition of tropical rains 162
Groundwater connections under a barrier beach: A case study in the Venice Lagoon 160
New geophysical knowledge of groundwater systems in Venice estuarine environment 158
Chloride profile technique to estimate water movement through unsatured zone in a cropped area in subhumid climate (Po Valley - NW Italy) 158
Groundwater flow systems in turbidites of the Northern Apennines (Italy): natural discharge and high speed railway tunnel drainage 158
Site investigation techniques for contaminated site risk assessment 156
Carbon 13 of TDIC to quantify the role of the unsaturated zone: the example of the Vaucluse karst systems (Southeastern France) 151
Recent developments at the ANTARES AMS centre. 146
Reply to "Comments on: Carbon isotope exchange rate of DIC in karst groundwater'by Gonfiantini, R. and Zuppi, G.M." 146
Isotopic Composition and Origin of Sulfur Compounds in Groundwaters and Brines in the Po Valley (Northern Italy). 144
Middle and late Pleistocene glaciations in the Campo Felice Basin (central Apennines, Italy) 143
Groundwater as an archive of climatic and environmental change: Europe to Africa 142
Hydrogeology as a climate recorder: Sahara–Sahel (North Africa) and the Po Plain (Northern Italy) 140
Fluid geochemistry of the Sardinian Rift-Campidano Graben (Sardinia, Italy): fault segmentation, seismic quiescence of geochemically “active” faults, and new constraints for selection of CO2 storage sites 139
Spatial variation of environmental tracers distribution in water from a mangrove system: the case of Babitonga Bay (Santa Catarina, Brazil). 139
Fonctionnement d'une retenue hydroélectrique francaise. Approche isotopique 138
Acque salate e circolazione profonda in relazione all’assetto strutturale del fronte adriatico e padano dell’Appennino. 138
The relationship between evolution of fluid chemistry and the style of brittle deformation; examples from the Northern Apennines (Italy) 137
Significance of the Tambien Group (Tigrai, N. Ethiopia) for Snowball Earth events in the Arabian–Nubian Shield 136
Variabilité climatique durant le Quaternaire dans la nappe du Tarat (Arlit, Niger). 371-379 135
Contribution des isotopes de l'environnement à l'étude de la recharge naturelle des aquifères fissurés du bouclier soudanien au Burkina Faso 135
Modelling tensiometric profiles in a vineyard in the Bardolino Area (Verona, Italy) 130
Applicazione dell'isotopia naturale dell'azoto per lo studio della dinamica nel suolo dei nitrati derivanti da liquami 130
Hydrogeological study on the presence of asbestos fibres in water of northern Italy. 128
Origin and effects of nitrogen pollution in groundwater traced by δ15N NO3 and δ18O NO3: the case of Abidjan (Ivory Coast). 128
Isotopic and chemical study of lake Massacciuccoli, Tuscany: hydrodynamic patterns, water quality and anthropogenic impact. 127
Surface water - groundwater interactions in transition environments: the example of the Rio de la Plata coastal plain, Argentina. 125
Understanding present and past Caspian Sea evolution. Contribution from isotope tracers 124
Carbon isotope exchange rate of DIC in karst groundwater, Chemical Geology 124
The groundwater challenge 123
Origin and fate of nitrogen pollution in groundwater traced by δ15NNO3 and δ18ONO3: the case of the suburban area of Dakar (Senegal). 122
Geochemistry of the formation waters in the Po Plain (Northern Italy): an overview 121
Complexité des circulations dans l'aquifère alluvial de la plaine d'Aoste (Italie): mise en évidence par l'hydrogéochimie 120
Gas seeps and rock formation in the northern Adriatic Sea 120
Isotopes du milieu et circulation d’eaux sulfurées dans le Latium. 119
Comportement particulier lors des montées de crues dans les aquifères karstiques, mise en évidence d’une double fracturation et/ou de circulation profonde: Exemple de la fontaine de Vaucluse. 119
Application des techniques physiques, géochimiques et isotopiques pour l'évaluation de l'infiltration sous climat tempéré. Rev. Sci. Eau 14 (3) : 1-19 118
Contaminazione salina nei sistemi acquiferi dell’entroterra meridionale dellalaguna di Venezia 118
Tracing nitrification and denitrification processes in a periodically flooded shallow sandy aquifer 115
Geochemistry of thermal fluids in the Yanbajain area (Tibet - Rep. Pop. Cina) 111
Oxygène-18, deutérium et chlorures dans les précipitations à Garoua (Nord-Cameroun) : implications météorologiques (Oxygen-18, deuterium and chloride in precipitations from the Garoua region, Northern-Cameroon : meteorological implications) 111
Salinidad del recurso hidrico subterraneo del Altiplano central 107
Etude isotopique de l'aquifère crétacé du bassin côtier béninois 104
Variabilité spatiale de la qualité des masses d'air précipitante en Afrique de l'Ouest: l'experience BENIN-NIGER 102
The origin of Nitrogen dissolved species in Po Valley aquifers: The contribution of 15N 98
Mineralised waters and deep circulations in the French-Italian Alps 98
Groundwater flow study in the Bilma-Djado Basin (Niger) by means of environmental isotopes 93
Stable isotope composition (13C and 18O) of neoproterozoic limestones and dolomites from Tigrai, North Ethiopia 92
Synthèse de l'evaluation hydrogéologique de la région de l'Oued Ash Shati, Al Iufraha, et Jabal Fezzan (Lybie), avec particulière attention à l'aspect hydrochimique et isotopique 92
Preliminary information on the chemical and isotopic compositions of waters from the Caspian sea and its tributaries in the Makachkala region (Russia) 91
Hg natural pollution of shallow aquifers induced by seawater intrusion at Monte Angentario (Central Italy): evidences from isotope geochemistry 90
Les étapes du comblement alluvial de la plaine d'Aosta (Italie): une dynamique lacustre complexe 87
Methane-derived carbonates and chemosymbiotic communities of Piedmont (Miocene, Northern Italy) : an update. Geomarine Letters 87
Évolution spatio-temporelle des teneurs isotopiques (2H-18O) des eaux de la cuvette lacustre du fleuve Niger (Mali). Space and time variations in the isotopic composition (2H¯18O) of Niger inland delta water (Mali) 86
Esperimenti di tracciamento per studi di inquinamento 85
Gli isotopi di Azoto, Carbonio, Cloro e Zolfo negli studi ambientali 84
Geochemical changes at the Bagni di Triponzo thermal spring during the Umbria-Marche 1997-1998 seismic sequence 84
Rainfall characteristics ( ä18O, ä2H, ÄTand ÄHr) in western Africa, regional scale and influence of irrigated areas 81
Origine de la minéralisation et comportement hydrogéochimique d'une nappe phréatique soumise à des contraintes naturelles et anthropiques sévères : exemple de la nappe de Djebeniana (Tunisie)Origin of the salinisation and hydrogeochemical behaviour of a phreatic aquifer suffering severe natural and anthropic constraints: an example from the Djebeniana aquifer (Tunisia) 78
La prospection gravimétrique dans la modélisation d'un substratum sous formation sédimentaire : apport à l'hydrogéologie d'une zone semi-aride du Sud de Madagascar: A gravimetric survey to map the top of the bedrock under sedimentary formations: a contribution to the hydrogeology of the semi-arid southern area of Madagascar. 74
Recent carbonate rock formation in the Northern Adriatic Sea: hydrogeological and geotechnical implications 72
Homogénéisation des siganux isotopiques, 18O et 3H, dans un système hydrologique de haute montagne: la Vallée d'Aoste (Italie) 71
Isotopic content of rainfall as climatic indicators, Comptes Rendus Acad. Scie. Paris, Geosciences, 334, 7, 519-520 66
Totale 11.303
Categoria #
all - tutte 32.840
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 32.840

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.280 0 0 0 0 151 299 144 217 148 144 137 40
2020/20211.792 114 61 146 35 385 141 83 99 81 248 207 192
2021/20221.387 118 202 131 205 116 28 66 168 28 116 49 160
2022/20231.697 144 26 6 165 249 570 25 112 232 16 133 19
2023/2024455 47 43 6 11 85 75 36 7 79 1 7 58
2024/2025290 35 29 115 72 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.303