Kolosova, Valeriia
Kolosova, Valeriia
Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica
Gaining momentum: Popularization of Epilobium angustifolium as food and recreational tea on the Eastern edge of Europe
2020-01-01 Kalle, R.; Belichenko, O.; Kuznetsova, N.; Kolosova, V.; Prakofjewa, J.; Stryamets, N.; Mattalia, G.; Sarka, P.; Simanova, A.; Pruse, B.; Mezaka, I.; Soukand, R.
Historical Review of Ethnopharmacology in Karelia (1850s–2020s): Herbs and healers
2022-01-01 Kolosova, V.; Pashkova, T.; Muslimov, M.; Soukand, R.
Inventing a herbal tradition: The complex roots of the current popularity of Epilobium angustifolium in Eastern Europe
2020-01-01 Soukand, R.; Mattalia, G.; Kolosova, V.; Stryamets, N.; Prakofjewa, J.; Belichenko, O.; Kuznetsova, N.; Minuzzi, S.; Keedus, L.; Pruse, B.; Simanova, A.; Ippolitova, A.; Kalle, R.
Language of administration as a border: Wild food plants used by setos and russians in pechorsky district of pskov oblast, NW Russia
2021-01-01 Belichenko, O.; Kolosova, V.; Melnikov, D.; Kalle, R.; Soukand, R.
Outdoor activities foster local plant knowledge in Karelia, NE Europe
2023-01-01 Mattalia, G.; Svanberg, I.; Ståhlberg, S.; Kuznetsova, N.; Prūse, B.; Kolosova, V.; Aziz, M. A.; Kalle, R.; Soukand, R.
Re-written narrative: transformation of the image of Ivan-chaj in Eastern Europe
2020-01-01 Prakofyeva, Y.; Kalle, R.; Belichenko, O.; Kolosova, V.; Soukand, R.