Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
A Collation to the Early Dynastic Manuscript of the Instructions of Shuruppak
2017-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo
A Hurrian Administrative Tablet from Third Millennium Urkesh
2011-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo
Accounting for Alimentary Items in Third Millennium Southern Mesopotamia: Some Notes on the Role of Waxed Boards in the Historical Development of Early Mesopotamian Bookkeeping
2024-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo
Administration at Girsu in Gudea’s Time
2020-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo; Visicato, Giuseppe
Archaic Text Graphemics
2022-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo
Classical Sargonic Tablets Chiefly from Adab in the Cornell University Collections
2009-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo
Classical Sargonic Tablets Chiefly from Adab in the Cornell University Collections Part II.
2012-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo; Visicato, Giuseppe
Complexity and the Ebla Archives
2024-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo
Current Approaches towards Ancient Near Eastern Textual Sources: Some Remarks on Contemporary Methodologies for Philological Research
2021-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo
Dalle città ai primi imperi
2012-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo
Decorative Parts and Precious Artefacts at Ebla
2010-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo
Digitality and the Ebla Archives: Framing Online Research Tools for the Study of Early Cuneiform Texts in a Broader Methodological Discourse
2023-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo; Milano, Lucio
Exploratory Analysis of Cuneiform Archives: a Network Approach to Ebla texts
2016-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo
2016-01-01 Coro, Paola; DE ZORZI, Nicla; Devecchi, Elena; Maiocchi, Massimo
From Stylus to Sign: a Sketch of Old Akkadian Palaeography
2015-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo
History and Philology
2019-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo
Il dolce sapore della morte: simbologia delle offerte rituali nella Mesopotamia protodinastica
2012-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo
La geo-localizzazione del materiale epigrafico del Grande Archivio L.2769 (Ebla, Siria): obiettivi e prospettive nel quadro del progetto Ebla Digital Archives
2023-01-01 Di Filippo, Francesco; Maiocchi, Massimo; Scarpa, Erica
Legal Regulations at Ebla – Part II: Abduction of an Unmarried Girl (ARET XVI 1 obv. VII 9-IX 13)
2023-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo
Lessico delle iscrizioni reali sumeriche.
2023-01-01 Maiocchi, Massimo