CUSSINI, Eleonora
CUSSINI, Eleonora
Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea
A JOURNEY TO PALMYRA. Collected Essays to Remember Delbert R. Hillers. Culture and History of the Ancient Near East
2005-01-01 Cussini, E
A Re-examination of the Berlin Aramaic Dockets
1995-01-01 Cussini, E
A Sin-kashid Inscription in Private Collection
1994-01-01 Cussini, E
Additions to Palmyrene Aramaic Texts
2002-01-01 Cussini, E
Beyond the Spindle: Investigating the Role of Palmyrene Women
2005-01-01 Cussini, E
Circular Economy in Palmyra in Light of Sale and Reuse of the Funerary Spaces
2023-01-01 Cussini, Eleonora
Daughters and Wives. Defining Women in Palmyrene Inscriptions
2019-01-01 Cussini, E
Eight Judaica Books from the Library of the Young Refugees of Villa Emma
2018-01-01 Cussini, E
Family Banqueting at Palmyra. Reassessing the Evidence
2016-01-01 Cussini, E
Forty-nine Years of Semitic Philology at Layard’s Home, Ca’ Cappello
2018-01-01 Cussini, Eleonora
Forty-Nive Years of Aramaic and Semitic Philology at Layard's Home, Ca' Cappello
2018-01-01 Cussini, Eleonora
Images of Individual Devotion in Palmyrene Sources
2019-01-01 Cussini, E
Immagini di guerra, immagini di pace nell'epigrafia aramaica
2005-01-01 Cussini, E
La concezione di dio e gli dèi nel mondo mesopotamico
2002-01-01 Cussini, E
La rappresentazione femminile a Palmira: stereotipi e realtà documentaria
2002-01-01 Cussini, E
Legal Formulary from Syriac Documents and Palmyrene Inscriptions
2010-01-01 Cussini, E
L’aramaico, lingua di tre imperi
2009-01-01 Cussini, E
Mattone di epoca neobabilonese con iscrizione reale di Nabucodonosor
2003-01-01 Cussini, E
Mobility and Identity of Palmyrene Jews
In corso di stampa Cussini, E
On the Palmyrene table: epigraphic sources and iconography of food and drinks at Palmyra
2020-01-01 Cussini, Eleonora