Venice School of Management
A framework for the assessment of online fashion retailers: the fashion shopper web empowerment index
2016-01-01 Valdani, Enrico; Bellio, Elena; Buccoliero, Luca; Solinas, Elisa
Ageing Society e comportamenti della distribuzione commerciale
2017-01-01 Bellio, Elena; Buccoliero, Luca
Communication through visual contents: Instagram use in the wineries’ strategies
2020-01-01 Bellio, Elena; Checchinato, Francesca; Mauracher, Christine
Communication Through Visual Contents: Instagram Use in The Wineries’ Strategies
2021-01-01 Bellio, Elena; Checchinato, Francesca; Mauracher, Christine
Experiential marketing in hospitality: an in-depth analysis of the hospital environment
2018-01-01 Buccoliero, Luca; Bellio, Elena; Crestini, Giulia; Solinas, Elisa
La grande distribuzione alla conquista del cliente silver
2020-01-01 Buccoliero, Luca; Bellio, Elena
La maternità nelle comunità online. Nuove pratiche di appropriazione e nuove forme di cittadinanza tecnoscientifica
2017-01-01 Annovi, Giulia; Castelfranchi, Yurij; Saviane, Chiara; Bellio, Elena; Fontanot, Donatella; Buccoliero, Luca; Pitrelli, Nico; Scannapieco, Gianluigi
Main factors affecting perceived quality in healthcare: a patient perspective approach
2021-01-01 Bellio, Elena; Buccoliero, Luca
Maritime Museums Online Presence: Actual Value and Challenges
2023-01-01 Bellio, Elena; Rosin, Umberto; Casarin, Francesco
Marketing e «progettazione esperienziale» dell’ospedale
2017-01-01 Buccoliero, Luca; Bellio, Elena; Solinas, Elisa
Not only the picture to foster tourism: the interplay role of destination area hashtags on Instagram posts
2021-01-01 Bellio, Elena; Checchinato, Francesca
Out-of-pocket expenditure for services in a national health system: the rationale for new pricing strategies in the Italian healthcare sector
2020-01-01 Bellio, Elena; Buccoliero, Luca
Perceived fears, stress overload and health status in traveling intention: a new framework at the time of COVID-19.
2021-01-01 Bellio, Elena; Checchinato, Francesca; Slanzi, Debora
Senior customer shopping and in-store design
2017-01-01 Bellio, Elena; Buccoliero, Luca
Smart technology for a smarter patient: sketching the patient 2.0 profile
2016-01-01 Buccoliero, Luca; Bellio, Elena; Mazzola, Maria; Solinas, Elisa
Social media analysis applied to childhood vaccines in Italy: insights for redefining the INHS communication strategies
2021-01-01 Buccoliero, Luca; Bellio, Elena; Persico, Sofia; Albini, Stefania; Civiero, Michele; Murello, Aurelia; Ferro, Antonio
Technology innovation in healthcare and changing patient’s behaviors: new challenges for marketing
2016-01-01 Buccoliero, Luca; Bellio, Elena; Mazzola, Maria; Solinas, Elisa
Technology innovation, new patient’s behaviors and new health service paradigms
2017-01-01 Buccoliero, Luca; Bellio, Elena; Mazzola, Maria; Solinas, Elisa
The advertising - "text and driving" behavior relationship: theory and evidence of a shock advertising experiment
2015-01-01 Buccoliero, Luca; Bellio, Elena; Mazzola, Maria; Solinas, Elisa
The experience drivers of birthing women in the maternity hospital: a monocentric study based at Burlo Garofolo Trieste
2018-01-01 Bellio, Elena; Buccoliero, Luca; Crestini, Giulia; Annovi, Giulia; Saviane, Chiara; Pitrelli, Nico