MUGNAI, Gianmarco
MUGNAI, Gianmarco
A novel method to evaluate nutrient retention by biological soil crust exopolymeric matrix
2018-01-01 Swenson, Tami L.; Couradeau, Estelle; Bowen, Benjamin P.; de Philippis, Roberto; Rossi, Federico; Mugnai, Gianmarco; Northen, Trent R.
Complex role of the polymeric matrix in biological soil crusts
2018-01-01 Rossi, Federico; Mugnai, Gianmarco; DE PHILIPPIS, Roberto
Development of the polysaccharidic matrix in biocrusts induced by a cyanobacterium inoculated in sand microcosms
2018-01-01 Mugnai, Gianmarco; Rossi, Federico; Felde, Vincent John Martin Noah Linus; Colesie, Claudia; Buedel, Burkhard; Peth, Stephan; Kaplan, Aaron; DE PHILIPPIS, Roberto
Ecological strategies of bacterial communities in prehistoric stone wall paintings across weathering gradients: A case study from the Borana zone in southern Ethiopia
2024-01-01 Mugnai, Gianmarco; Borruso, Luigimaria; Wu, Ying-Li; Gallinaro, Marina; Cappitelli, Francesca; Zerboni, Andrea; Villa, Federica
Exopolysaccharidic matrix from biological soil crusts from arctic environments
2012-01-01 Rossi, F; Mugnai, Gianmarco; Colica, Giovanni; Ventura, Stefano; Sili, Claudio; Mascalchi, Cristina; De Philippis, Roberto
Extracellular polymeric matrix in biocrusts: its role as a repository for essential exometabolites
2017-01-01 De Philippis, R.; Rossi, F.; Swenson, T. L.; Couradeau, E.; Mugnai, G.; Nothen, T. R.
High Arctic biocrusts: characterization of the exopolysaccharidic matrix
2020-01-01 Mugnai, G.; Rossi, F.; Mascalchi, C.; Ventura, S.; De Philippis, R.
Polysaccharidic matrix formation in induced biocrusts is affected by soil type and inoculated cyanobacterial species
2019-01-01 Chamizo, Sonia; Adessi, Alessandra; Mugnai, Gianmarco; Rossi, Federico; Certini, Giacomo; De Philippis, Roberto
Rehabilitation of arid soils by inoculatinhg exopolysaccharide-producing cyanobacteria
2018-01-01 Chamizo, S.; Mugnai, G.; Rossi, F.; Simiani, A.; Adessi, A.; De Philippis, R.
Soil restoration by cyanobacteria inoculation: relationship between cyanobacterial polysaccharidic matrix and soil properties
2018-01-01 CHAMIZO DE LA PIEDRA, Sonia; Mugnai, G.; Adessi, A.; Simiani, Andrea; Rossi, F.; De, Philippis
The hidden network of biocrust successional stages in the High Arctic: Revealing abiotic and biotic factors shaping microbial and metazoan communities
2024-01-01 Mugnai, Gianmarco; Pinchuk, Irina; Borruso, Luigimaria; Tiziani, Raphael; Sannino, Ciro; Canini, Fabiana; Turchetti, Benedetta; Mimmo, Tanja; Zucconi, Laura; Buzzini, Pietro
The potential of the cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya ohadii as inoculum for stabilizing bare sandy substrates
2018-01-01 Mugnai, G; Rossi, F; Vjmln, Felde; Colesie, C; Büdel, B; Kaplan, A; De Philippis, R
The role of grain size and inoculum amount on biocrust formation by Leptolyngbya ohadii
2020-01-01 Mugnai, G.; Rossi, F.; Chamizo, S.; Adessi, A.; De Philippis, R.