Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali
A Critical Assessment of the European Cultural Approach to Counter Terrorism
2016-01-01 Marsili, M
A letto con il diavolo
2012-01-01 Marsili, M; Giosuè, Carducci
América Latina: los escollos del sistema presidencial estadounidense reflejado en las Repúblicas Bananeras
2024-01-01 Marsili, Marco
América Latina: los escollos del sistema presidencial estadounidense reflejado en las Repúblicas Bananeras
2023-01-01 Marsili, Marco
An Update of Democracy's Third Wave
2020-01-01 Marsili, M
Arctic Security: A Global Challenge
2022-01-01 Marsili, M
Book of Abstracts of the International Conference North Atlantic Security and Defense Strategy (NASDS 2022), 19-20 May 2022, Military University Institute, Lisbon, Portugal
2022-01-01 Marsili, M
Brazil: the Carambole Strategy of a Rising Power (Brasil: a Estratégia 'Carambola' dum Poder Ascendente)
2015-01-01 Marsili, M
COVID-19 and Freedom of Information: The Return of the Leviathan
2021-01-01 Marsili, M
COVID-19 Infodemic: Fake News, Real Censorship. Information and Freedom of Expression in Time of Coronavirus
2022-01-01 Marsili, M
COVID-19 Infodemic: fake news, real censorship. Information and freedom of expression in time of Coronavirus
2022-01-01 Marsili, M
COVID-19 Infodemic: fake news, real censorship. Information and freedom of expression in time of Coronavirus
2021-01-01 Marsili, M
Dalla P2 alla P4. Trent’anni di politica e affari all’ombra di Berlusconi
2011-01-01 Marsili, M
Deepfake: The Donald & the Pope
2024-01-01 Marsili, Marco
Dentro y fuera de la guerra ruso-ucraniana: los escollos para la Unión Europea
2023-01-01 Marsili, Marco
Digital Revolution and Artificial Intelligence as Challenges for Today
2024-01-01 Marsili, Marco; Wróblewska-Jachna, Joanna
Dual-use Technology: Cross-sector Cooperation in the Cybersecurity Sector
2024-01-01 Albrycht, Izabela; Antunes, David; Burian, Wojciech; Cederlöf, Jonas; Gray, Claire; Gieroń, Marietta; Górska, Paulina; Jędrzejczak, Łukasz; Mazur, Marcin; Marsili, Marco; Dallas McSorley, Tom; Mole, Matteo; Novohradska, Jana; Sierański, Krzysztof; Szczukocki, Adam; Timmers, Paul; Ustyjańczuk, Mariusz; Wójtowicz, Aleksandra; Wywiał, Przemysław
Epidermal Systems and Virtual Reality: Emerging Disruptive Technology for Military Applications
2021-01-01 Marsili, M
Epidermal Systems and Virtual Reality: Emerging Disruptive Technology for Military Applications
2020-01-01 Marsili, M
Europe, where do you go?
2023-01-01 Marsili, Marco