BORRI, Francesco
BORRI, Francesco
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
A Great, Vast and all Mighty Realm: King Pippin, the Lombard Past, and the Eastern Frontiers of the Empire 790–810
2020-01-01 Borri, Francesco
A Placid Island: H.P. Lovecraft's Ibid
2018-01-01 Borri, Francesco
A Winter Sea? Exchange and Power at the Ebbing of the Adriatic Connection 600–800
2021-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Aeneas a barbari: Temné obdobie Itálie z pohľadu Risorgimento a neskorších období
2015-01-01 Borri, Francesco
2019-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Alboino: Frammenti di un racconto (VI – XI s.)
2016-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Anders Winroth, The Age of Vikings, Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2014
2015-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Anthony Kaldellis, Ethnography after Antiquity: Foreign Lands and Peoples in Byzantine Literature: Empire and After, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013
2014-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Arrivano i barbari a cavallo! Foundation Myths and ‘Origines gentium’ in the Adriatic Arc
2013-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Captains and Pirates: Ninth Century Dalmatia and Its Rulers
2017-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Dal profondo: a proposito di un celebre libro di Franco Cardini
2017-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Dalmatian Romans and their Adriatic Friends: Some Further Remarks
2018-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Danijel Dzino, Ante Milošević, and Trpimir Vedriš, eds. Migration, Integration and Connectivity on the Southeastern Frontier of the Carolingian Empire. East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages 50. Leiden: Brill, 2018.
2022-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Dieci anni, trentacinque duchi: i Longobardi nel periodo dell'interregno (574-584)
2019-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Drinking with Woden: A Re-Examination of Jonas’ Vita Columbani I, 27
2018-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Duces e magistri militum nell’Italia esarcale, VI – VIII secolo
2005-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Florin Curta, The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, c. 500 to 1050: The Early Middle Ages, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2011
2013-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Francia e Chroatia nel IX secolo: Storia di un rapporto difficile
2008-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Gli Istriani e i loro parenti: Φράγγοι, Romani e Slavi alla periferia di Bisanzio
2010-01-01 Borri, Francesco
Gregorio di Tours, I miracoli di San Martino, ed. Silvia Cantelli Berarducci. I Millenni. Torino: Einaudi 2020
2021-01-01 Borri, Francesco