ROSON, Roberto
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 13.155
EU - Europa 7.929
AS - Asia 3.838
SA - Sud America 54
OC - Oceania 50
AF - Africa 43
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 19
Totale 25.088
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 12.905
PL - Polonia 3.650
CN - Cina 2.584
IT - Italia 1.218
SG - Singapore 653
DE - Germania 531
UA - Ucraina 515
IE - Irlanda 477
FI - Finlandia 381
SE - Svezia 356
GB - Regno Unito 294
CA - Canada 244
TR - Turchia 178
RU - Federazione Russa 153
HK - Hong Kong 120
ID - Indonesia 86
FR - Francia 84
ES - Italia 53
VN - Vietnam 53
AT - Austria 48
AU - Australia 45
NL - Olanda 42
BR - Brasile 41
BE - Belgio 37
CH - Svizzera 32
PH - Filippine 28
IN - India 21
KR - Corea 20
EU - Europa 15
JP - Giappone 15
TW - Taiwan 15
BD - Bangladesh 12
IR - Iran 11
ZA - Sudafrica 10
BG - Bulgaria 9
NG - Nigeria 9
UZ - Uzbekistan 9
PT - Portogallo 8
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 7
PK - Pakistan 7
GR - Grecia 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
LB - Libano 4
NO - Norvegia 4
RO - Romania 4
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 3
AL - Albania 3
DK - Danimarca 3
EC - Ecuador 3
EG - Egitto 3
HU - Ungheria 3
IQ - Iraq 3
KE - Kenya 3
KH - Cambogia 3
LT - Lituania 3
MX - Messico 3
PE - Perù 3
TN - Tunisia 3
AR - Argentina 2
BJ - Benin 2
BW - Botswana 2
CL - Cile 2
CO - Colombia 2
DZ - Algeria 2
EE - Estonia 2
GH - Ghana 2
HR - Croazia 2
IL - Israele 2
MA - Marocco 2
MU - Mauritius 2
PA - Panama 2
SI - Slovenia 2
SZ - Regno dello Swaziland 2
TH - Thailandia 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AO - Angola 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
HN - Honduras 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MY - Malesia 1
NP - Nepal 1
PY - Paraguay 1
QA - Qatar 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TJ - Tagikistan 1
Totale 25.088
Città #
Warsaw 3.630
Woodbridge 2.327
Fairfield 1.607
Chandler 1.085
Jacksonville 1.030
Houston 885
Ashburn 757
Ann Arbor 737
Seattle 693
Wilmington 643
Cambridge 551
Dublin 470
Singapore 445
Hangzhou 321
Nanjing 283
Mestre 277
Boardman 271
Jinan 243
Toronto 212
Beijing 208
Shenyang 198
Dearborn 168
Izmir 165
Boston 138
San Mateo 129
Mülheim 126
Princeton 121
Guangzhou 119
Hebei 119
Hong Kong 116
Tianjin 110
Venezia 108
Padova 104
New York 103
Changsha 84
Jakarta 82
Nanchang 82
Zhengzhou 80
Taiyuan 79
Ningbo 73
Venice 72
Haikou 70
Des Moines 68
Taizhou 65
Jiaxing 64
San Diego 64
Andover 53
Dong Ket 49
Milan 44
Saint Petersburg 41
Fuzhou 40
Redwood City 38
London 34
Brussels 31
Phoenix 30
Hamburg 28
Altamura 27
Hefei 26
San Paolo di Civitate 26
Bremen 25
Kunming 23
Shanghai 23
Rome 22
Washington 22
Los Angeles 21
Verona 21
Vienna 19
Melbourne 18
Renton 17
Berlin 16
Norwalk 15
Ottawa 13
Dallas 12
Bilbao 11
Chengdu 11
Chicago 11
Paris 11
Zurich 11
Barcelona 10
Orange 10
Bacoor 9
Lanzhou 9
Madrid 9
Southend 9
Clearwater 8
Frankfurt am Main 8
Kilburn 8
Perth 8
Santa Clara 8
Auburn Hills 7
Indiana 7
Menlo Park 7
Moscow 7
Sofia 7
Tappahannock 7
Falls Church 6
Helsinki 6
Latiano 6
Lendinara 6
Montréal 6
Totale 20.339
Nome #
Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets: The Case of Payment Networks 625
A Decomposition and Comparison Analysis of International Water Footprint Time Series 548
Economy-wide analysis of food waste reductions and related costs 543
Estimation of Climate Change Damage Functions for 140 Regions in the GTAP 9 Database 492
Estimation of Climate Change Damage Functions for 140 Regions in the GTAP9 Database 471
Economic Impacts of Climate Change in Italy and the Mediterranean: Updating the Evidence 415
Why can sectoral shocks lead to sizable macroeconomic fluctuations? Assessing alternative theories by means of stochastic simulation with a general equilibrium model 385
Two Papers on Internet Connectivity and Quality 357
Bargaining Power and Value Sharing in Distribution Networks: a Cooperative Game Theory Approach 357
Modeling Firm Heterogeneity in International Trade: Do Structural Effects Matter? 350
Climate Change, Tourism and Water Resources in the Mediterranean: a General Equilibrium Analysis 348
G-RDEM: A GTAP-Based Recursive Dynamic CGE Model for Long-Term Baseline Generation and Analysis 346
Competition between Multiproduct Firms with Heterogeneous Costs 340
Assessing the cost of supplying water for agriculture: the food supply cost curve 335
Simulating the Macroeconomic Impact of Future Water Scarcity 328
Introducing Melitz-Style Firm Heterogeneity in CGE Models: Technical Aspects and Implications 327
Review of CGE models of water issues 317
The transition to the Green Economy in the Mediterranean region: water demand management strategies and market efficiency 304
Water Scarcity and Virtual Water Trade in the Mediterranean 303
Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets: The Case of Payment Networks 302
Two-Sided Markets: a Tentative Survey 300
System-wide Implications of Changing Water Availability and Agricultural Productivity in the Mediterranean Economies 297
Beyond Water Stress: Structural Adjustment and Macroeconomic Consequences of the Emerging Water Scarcity 296
Bargaining Power and Value Sharing in Distribution Networks: A Cooperative Game Theory Approach 293
A Modeling Framework to Assess the Economic Impact of Climate Change in the Caribbean 291
Sectoral Differences in Labor Productivity Growth: Estimation and Modeling 285
Competition between Multiproduct Firms with Heterogeneous Costs 280
Understanding the Global Dynamics of Sectoral Labor Productivity 278
Understanding the Global Dynamics of Sectoral Labor Productivity 277
Virtual Water Trade in the Mediterranean: Today and Tomorrow 274
Input-output linkages and the propagation of domestic productivity shocks: assessing alternative theories with stochastic simulation 273
Do Farmers Adapt to Climate Change? A Macro Perspective 269
Systemic Input-Output Computation of Green and Blue Virtual Water 'Flows' - With an illustration for the Mediterranean region 266
Climate change, tourism and water resources in the Mediterranean: A general equilibrium analysis 262
Auctions in a Two-Sided Network: the Market for Meal Voucher Services 255 A GAMS-Like Modeling System Based on Python and SAGE 255
Uncertainty in the Economics of Climate Change: Can Global Sensitivity Analysis be of Help? 251
Demand-Driven Structural Change in Applied General Equilibrium Models 247
Carbon Emissions Trading and Equity in International Agreements 230
A General Equilibrium Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on Tourism 226
Gli impatti macroeconomici del cambiamento climatico in Italia. Un’analisi di equilibrio generale 226
Modelling consumption and constructing long-term baselines in final demand 222
Demand-Driven Structural Change in Applied General Equilibrium Models 222
Economic impacts of climate change in Europe: sea-level rise 219
Un sistema di modelli input-output per la costruzione di scenari di interazione trasporti - resto dell'economia 218
Climate change, water and security in the Mediterranean: Introduction to the special issue 217
Accommodation and Preemption in Network Evolution 205
Intermodality and the changing role of nodes in transport networks 201
Wage Curves and Capital Mobility in a General Equilibrium Model of Italy 198
Assessing the cost of supplying water for agriculture: the food supply cost curve 198
A General Equilibrium Analysis of the Italian Transport System 197
The Economic Impact of Water Taxes: a Computable General Equilibrium Analysis with an International Data Set 195
Book review: “The Spatial Economy – Cities, Regions, and International Trade” by M. Fujita, P.Krugman, A.J.Venables, MIT Press, 1999 - 2001 195
Economy-wide Impacts of Climate Change: a Joint Analysis for Sea Level Rise and Tourism 192
CGE Models of the Economic Impacts of Climate Change with a Case Study of the Caribbean 190
Economy-Wide Estimates of the Implications of Climate Change: Human Health 189
Introducing Imperfect Competition in CGE Models: Technical Aspects and Implications 187
Beyond Water Stress: Structural Adjustment and Macroeconomic Consequences of the Emerging Water Scarcity 185
An integrated assessment model for food security under climate change for South Asia 185
Climate change impacts on water and security: orientations of the research foreseen over 2010-2013 183
Integration of research advances in modelling and monitoring in support of WFD river basin management planning in the context of climate change 183
Simulating the Macroeconomic Impact of Future Water Scarcity: an Assessment of Alternative Scenarios 177
Social Cost Pricing when Public Transport is an Option Value 176
Climate Change and Agriculture in Computable General Equilibrium Models: Alternative Modeling Strategies and Data Needs 176
Environment and Transport in Economic Modelling 174
The Macroeconomic Impact of Traffic Congestion: a CGE Analysis 174
Transport Networks and the Spatial Economy. A General Equilibrium Analysis. 174
Economy-Wide Estimates of the Implications of Climate Change: Sea-Level Rise 173
The Economic Impact of Restricted Water Supply: a Computable General Equilibrium Analysis 170
Towards an Inter-disciplinary research agenda on climate Change, Water and Security in Southern Europe and Neighboring Countries 168
Revealed Preferences, Externalities and Optimal Pricing for Urban Transportation 165
Price Discrimination and Audience Composition in Advertising-Based Broadcasting 164
Climate Change Feedback on Economic Growth: Explorations with a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model 161
Water’s Green Economy: alternative pathways for water resource development in agriculture 159
Climate Change and Economic Growth: Impacts and Interactions 158
Network Markets and the Structure of Networks 157
An Integrated Assessment Model of Economy-Energy-Climate - the WIAGEM Model: a Comment 153
Network Markets and Network Evolution 152
Distributional Consequences of Alternative Emissions Trading Schemes 149
Seasonal temperature variations and energy demand. A panel cointegration analysis for climate change impact assessment 147
Transportation Margins, Transportation Industry and the Multiregional Economy, Some Experiments with a Model for Italy 146
Gli effetti del lockdown contro il COVID-19 sulla struttura delle economie europee. Scenari per l’Italia e la Francia 145
Cambiamento Climatico e Scarsità Idrica nel Mediterraneo: una Analisi del Commercio Virtuale di Acqua 143
Climate Change Policies and Tax Recycling Schemes: Simulations with a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of the Italian Economy 143
I cambiamenti strutturali dell'economia italiana nei primi anni '90: una analisi di equilibrio generale applicato 143
From Trans-European (Ten-T) to Trans-Global (Twn-T) Transport Infrastructure Networks. A Conceptual Framework 143
Assessing the Option Value of a Publicly Provided Service: the Case of Local Transportation 142
Interdisciplinary assessment of sea-level rise and climate change impacts on the lower Nile delta, Egypt 139
Economies of Scale and Fare Determination for Transport Services 138
Taxation 137
Carbon Dioxide Mitigation, Alternative Perspective 132
Last Mile Problem 132
Equilibrium Size in Network with Indirect Network Externalities: a Comment 130
Implementing a computable general equilibrium model with heterogenous firms and endogenous productivity 130
Platform Competition with Endogenous Multihoming 129
Can Food Waste Reduction in Europe Help to Increase Food Availability and Reduce Pressure on Natural Resources Globally? 129
Environmental Externalities, Transport Cost and Interregional Trade in a General Equilibrium Model 125
Computable Spatial Economic Equilibria and Freight Network Models 125
A Social Accounting Matrix for Andalusia 125
Totale 23.302
Categoria #
all - tutte 68.089
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 68.089

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.725 0 0 0 0 0 507 363 628 353 370 300 204
2020/20214.420 321 179 297 272 619 344 317 299 239 446 591 496
2021/20223.695 320 571 206 675 290 51 68 234 61 316 588 315
2022/20233.029 245 221 86 306 380 834 76 241 353 17 222 48
2023/20241.291 56 74 55 41 113 166 42 160 124 86 205 169
2024/2025945 44 100 240 159 252 150 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 25.456