The first part of this article was published in AIB studi, 60 (2020), n. 2, and it presented a variant of the classic DIKW (data, information, knowledge, wisdom) pyramid (or hierarchy) in which wisdom is replaced by two particular types of knowledge: consciousness and self-consciousness. In the new DIKAS pyramid (data, information, knowledges, awarenesses, self-awarenesses) data are alternations of continuity and discontinuity in reality; information is a causal process that connects data with other data (contained in informational systems complex enough to be called 'cognitive systems'); knowledges are the data contained in cognitive systems; awarenesses are knowledges which temporarily acquire a level of accessibility sufficient to bring out the phenomenon of subjectivity; finally selfawarenesses are awarenesses that have as their objects other awarenesses. The DIKAS pyramid can be read both from the bottom upwards and from the top downwards, and does not consider any kind of qualitative or ethical 'progress' (often present in traditional DIKW pyramids) in correspondence with the steps from one to another of its layers.
ABSTRACT (ITA): La prima parte di questo articolo è stata pubblicata in AIB studi, 60 (2020), n. 2, dove è stata presentata una variante della classica piramide (o gerarchia) DIKW (dati, informazione, conoscenza, saggezza) nella quale la saggezza viene sostituita da due particolari tipi di conoscenza: la coscienza e l’autocoscienza. Nella nuova piramide DIKAS (dati, informazioni, conoscenze, consapevolezze, autoconsapevolezze) i dati sono alternanze di continuità e discontinuità nella realtà; le informazioni sono processi di causazione che collegano i dati con altri dati (contenuti in sistemi informazionali sufficientemente complessi da poter essere chiamati ‘sistemi cognitivi’); le conoscenze sono i dati contenuti nei sistemi cognitivi; le consapevolezze sono conoscenze che acquisiscono temporaneamente un livello di accessibilità sufficiente a far emergere il fenomeno della soggettività; infine le autoconsapevolezze sono consapevolezze che hanno come oggetto altre consapevolezze. La piramide DIKAS può essere letta sia dal basso verso l’alto che dall’alto verso il basso, e non prevede alcun tipo di ‘progresso’ né qualitativo né etico (spesso invece presente nelle tradizionali piramidi DIKW) in corrispondenza dei passaggi da uno all’altro dei suoi strati. La piramide DIKAS è compatibile con varie teorie metafisiche sul rapporto fra corpo e mente, fra cui il riduzionismo materialista, l’emergentismo e il monismo neutrale. Di quest’ultima teoria vengono esposte due varianti ‘informazionali’, rispettivamente riassumibili con le formule ‘it and id from bit’ e ‘it and bit/id from x’. La piramide DIKAS cerca in ogni caso di fornire un contributo al problema filosofico del rapporto fra oggettivo e soggettivo, grazie al ruolo chiave assegnato a un concetto intrinsecamente bifronte — soprattutto se interpretato come processo dinamico e non come entità statica — come quello dell’informazione, che funge da intermediario fra l’oggettività dei dati e la soggettività della coscienza. ---------------- ABSTRACT (ENG): The first part of this article was published in AIB studi, 60 (2020), n. 2, and it presented a variant of the classic DIKW (data, information, knowledge, wisdom) pyramid (or hierarchy) in which wisdom is replaced by two particular types of knowledge: consciousness and self-consciousness. In the new DIKAS pyramid (data, information, knowledges, awarenesses, self-awarenesses) data are alternations of continuity and discontinuity in reality; information is a causal process that connects data with other data (contained in informational systems complex enough to be called 'cognitive systems'); knowledges are the data contained in cognitive systems; awarenesses are knowledges which temporarily acquire a level of accessibility sufficient to bring out the phenomenon of subjectivity; finally self-awarenesses are awarenesses that have as their objects other awarenesses. The DIKAS pyramid can be read both from the bottom upwards and from the top downwards, and does not consider any kind of qualitative or ethical ‘progress’ (often present in traditional DIKW pyramids) in correspondence with the steps from one to another of its layers. The DIKAS pyramid is compatible with various metaphysical theories on the relationship between body and mind, including materialistic reductionism, emergentism and neutral monism. Two 'informational' variants of neutral monism are presented, which can be summarized respectively with the formulas 'it and id from bit' and 'it and bit/id from x'. Anyway, the DIKAS pyramid tries to provide a contribution to the philosophical problem of the relationship between objective and subjective, thanks to the key role assigned to an intrinsically two-faced concept - especially if interpreted as a dynamic process and not as a static entity - such as that of information, which acts as an intermediary between the objectivity of data and the subjectivity of consciousness.
La piramide dell'informazione: una proposta (seconda parte)
Riccardo Ridi
The first part of this article was published in AIB studi, 60 (2020), n. 2, and it presented a variant of the classic DIKW (data, information, knowledge, wisdom) pyramid (or hierarchy) in which wisdom is replaced by two particular types of knowledge: consciousness and self-consciousness. In the new DIKAS pyramid (data, information, knowledges, awarenesses, self-awarenesses) data are alternations of continuity and discontinuity in reality; information is a causal process that connects data with other data (contained in informational systems complex enough to be called 'cognitive systems'); knowledges are the data contained in cognitive systems; awarenesses are knowledges which temporarily acquire a level of accessibility sufficient to bring out the phenomenon of subjectivity; finally selfawarenesses are awarenesses that have as their objects other awarenesses. The DIKAS pyramid can be read both from the bottom upwards and from the top downwards, and does not consider any kind of qualitative or ethical 'progress' (often present in traditional DIKW pyramids) in correspondence with the steps from one to another of its layers.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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