Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali
"Brave, intelligenti e pulite": le domestiche eritree e l’eredità ambivalente del colonialismo
2013-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina
"Difficult and precarious conditions for reception centre workers can have serious impacts on the vulnerability faced by migrants seeking protection"
2023-01-01 Garofalo, Giulia; Marchetti, Sabrina
"Vulnerabilities between legal concepts and social realities" in Marchetti S. & Palumbo L. (eds.), "Vulnerability in the Asylum and Protection System in Italy: Legal and Policy Framework and Implementing Practices".
2021-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina; Palumbo, Letizia
10 Years After the Directive 2011/36/EU. Lights and shadows in addressing the vulnerability of trafficked and exploited migrants
2022-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina; Palumbo, Letizia
A European perspective on immigrant women and domiciliary care
2006-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina
A global landscape of voices for labour rights and social recognition
2017-01-01 Garofalo, Giulia; Marchetti, Sabrina
Abbecedario coloniale: Memorie di donne eritree alle scuole italiane di Asmara
2009-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina; GHIDEI BIIDU, D.
Black Europe? Some Views from Afro-Surinamese Migrants in the Netherlands
2014-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina
Black Girls. Migrant Domestic Workers and Colonial Legacies
2014-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina
Circolarità: ritorno impossibile o partenza dolce? Donne ucraine e polacche a confronto.
2015-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina
Citizenship and Maternalism in Migrant Domestic Work: Filipina Workers and Their Employers in Amsterdam and Rome
2016-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina
Deconstructing Europe. Postcolonial perspectives
2012-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina
Dilemmas around temporariness and transnational recruitment agencies: the case of migrant caregivers in Taiwan and Germany
2022-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina; Garofalo, Giulia; DI BARTOLOMEO, Anna
Does Italy Represent an Opportunity for Temporary Migrants from the Eastern Partnership Countries?
2014-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina; Piazzalunga, D; Venturini, A.
Domestic Workers Speak: A Global Fight for Rights and Recognition
2017-01-01 Garofalo, Giulia; Marchetti, Sabrina
Domestiche, assistenti o dame di compagnia? Identità performative e pratiche lavorative di cura nelle narrative di donne migranti
2013-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina
Dreaming circularity?: Eastern European Women and Job-Sharing in Paid Home Care
2013-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina
Employability, gender and migration. The case of Eastern European circular carers in Italy
2015-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina
Employers, Agencies and Immigration: Paying for Care
2015-01-01 Marchetti, Sabrina; Triandafyllidou, A.
Eritreans' memories of postcolonial time: Ambivalence and mimicry at the Italian schools in Asmara
2010-01-01 GHIDEI BIIDU, D; Marchetti, Sabrina