Mousavi, Razieh Sadat
Mousavi, Razieh Sadat
Risultati 1 - 8 di 8 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.0 secondi).
Agriculture and Water Practices in Islamic Societies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the History of Science and Environmental History
2024-01-01 Mousavi, Razieh S.
Al-Ashraf ʿumar’s Tabṣira. Chapter XXXVI: Rainfalls, Winds, and Agricultural Activities
2024-01-01 Mousavi, Razieh S.; Schmidl, Petra G.
al-Ashraf ῾Umar’s Tabṣira, Chapter xxiii: Timekeeping at Night by the Moon in 13th-Century Yemen and Beyond
2023-01-01 Mousavi, Razieh S.; Schmidl, Petra G.
Calculation and Power: Engagement of Astronomers in Water-Management Projects in the Early Islamicate State
2025-01-01 Mousavi, Razieh S.
Five Imāmī Credal Texts Written during the Transition from the Bahshamiyya to the School of Abū l-Ḥusayn al-Baṣrī: Editio Princeps and Introduction
2022-01-01 Ansari, Hassan; Mousavi, Razieh S.
From Complex to Simple: the Example of Qibla-Indicators
2024-01-01 Mousavi, Razieh S.
Harmonization of Calendars in the Early Islamic World as Reflected in al-Farghānī's Elements of Astronomy
2021-01-01 Mousavi, Razieh S.; Niehoff Panagiotidis, Jannis
Manifestation in the One: Singularity of Knowledge in Mīrzā Ibrāhīm’s Numerical Riddle (Lughaz-i marqūm)
2024-01-01 Mousavi, Razieh S.; Bohloul, Hamid