BELLONI, Michele
BELLONI, Michele
Dipartimento di Economia
22. Becoming self-employed at ages 50+: true entrepreneurship or exclusion from (wage-)employment?
2015-01-01 Mastrogiacomo, Mauro; Belloni, Michele
A classification and overview of micro simulation models, and the choices made in MIDAS
2009-01-01 Belloni, Michele; Gijs, Dekkers
Actuarial Fairness When Longevity Increases: An Evaluation of the Italian Pension System
2013-01-01 Belloni, Michele; Carlo, Maccheroni
Age and productivity. Human capital accumulation and depreciation
2013-01-01 Anna Ruzik, Sierdzinska; Maciej, Lis; Monika, Potoczna; Belloni, Michele; Claudia, Villosio
Così nascono gli assegni d’oro
2011-01-01 Belloni, Michele; Flavia Coda, Moscarola
Descrizione del modello di simulazione
2001-01-01 Belloni, Michele; Piermarco, Ferraresi
Does training help retaining older workers into employment?
2015-01-01 Belloni, Michele; Brugiavini, Agar; Meschi, Elena Francesca; Pasini, Giacomo
Dotazione infrastrutturale e crescita
2007-01-01 Belloni, Michele
Early-life conditions, lifetime income and mortality risk in Italy
2012-01-01 Belloni, Michele; Adriaan, Kalwij; Rob, Alessie
Estimating private consumption profiles
2006-01-01 Belloni, Michele
Flexibility in Retirement: A framework for the analysis and a survey of European countries
2006-01-01 Belloni, Michele; Chiara, Monticone; Trucchi, Serena; Elsa, Fornero
Gender Differences In Retirement Income And Pension Policy: Simulating The Effects of Various DB and DC Schemes
2008-01-01 Belloni, Michele; Elsa, Fornero
How do early-life conditions shape health age profiles late in life?
2019-01-01 Belloni, Michele; Cavapozzi, Danilo; Dal Bianco, Chiara; Pan, Yao; Trucchi, Serena
I prestiti all'economia e alle imprese prima e durante la crisi
2010-01-01 Belloni, Michele
Internationally comparable measures of individual Social Security Wealth in SHARE Wave 4
2016-01-01 Belloni, Michele; Carrino, Ludovico; Orso, Cristina; Buia, Raluca Elena; Cavapozzi, Danilo; Pasini, Giacomo; Brugiavini, Agar
La Crisi Economica del Nord Ovest
2010-01-01 Belloni, Michele
La mortalità differenziale per reddito fra gli anziani in Italia: 1980-2000
2014-01-01 Belloni, Michele
La normativa sul pensionamento e il dibattito sulla riforma: possibili riflessi su aspettative e comportamenti
2006-01-01 Belloni, Michele; Elsa, Fornero
Labour Market Institutions and Long Term Adjustments to Health Shocks: Evidence from Italian Administrative Records
2022-01-01 Simonetti, Irene; Belloni, Michele; Farina, Elena; Zantomio, Francesca
Lifetime income and old age mortality risk in Italy over two decades
2013-01-01 Belloni, Michele; Rob, Alessie; Adriaan, Kalwij; Chiara, Marinacci