TOSI, Laura
TOSI, Laura
Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati
"All he writes, is rayling": linguaggio della satira e satira del linguaggio nelle commedie di Ben Jonson
2002-01-01 Tosi, Laura
"But it's the Story We Like": King Lear for Children: From Drama to Narrative
2014-01-01 Tosi, Laura
"La fiaba inglese dalle origini al postmoderno. Proposte per una bibliografia"
2007-01-01 Tosi, Laura
"Once upon Many Times: The Fairy-Tale 'Canon' in England"
2007-01-01 Tosi, Laura
"Rosalind and Celia as the Victorians Liked Them: Womanly Heroines in the Forest of Arden"
2018-01-01 Tosi, Laura
"The Story won't tell": strategie discorsive e diegetiche dell'ambiguità in "The Turn of the Screw" di Henry James
1996-01-01 Tosi, Laura
"The Witch is not such a Bad Egg": Adapting "Hansel and Gretel" for a Contemporary Audience
2011-01-01 Tosi, Laura
"Their death: a hideous storm of terror": echi websteriani e rimozione della morte in "Not to Disturb" di Muriel Spark
1993-01-01 Tosi, Laura
"Then Rose the Seed of Chaos": Masque and Antimasque in "The Dunciad in Four Books"
2005-01-01 Tosi, Laura
"Time is a very confusing thing": la time fantasy dall'epoca edoardiana alla contemporaneità
2011-01-01 Tosi, Laura; Paruolo, E.
"Un gatto tira l'altro: la presenza felina nella letteratura per l'infanzia"
2022-01-01 Tosi, Laura
"Variety is the spice": rappresentazioni del multiculturalismo nella letteratura per l'infanzia in inglese.
2011-01-01 Tosi, Laura
"You will think them Poor Baby Stories to Make Such a Talk About": Prose Adaptations for Children of Shakespeare's Venetian Plays
2013-01-01 Tosi, Laura
'I could a tale unfold...': Adaptations of Shakespeare's Supernatural for Children, from the Lambs to Marcia Williams.
2009-01-01 Tosi, Laura
'These Plays Might Almost Serve as a Handbook to Patriotism": Prose Adaptations of Henry V for Children, Nationalism, Empire and War
2014-01-01 Tosi, Laura
A map of Dis-unity: Henry V and the Making of 'England'
2006-01-01 Tosi, Laura
Adolescents and Family Crises in Victorian vs Contemporary Prose Versions of "Romeo and Juliet" for a Female Audience
2016-01-01 Tosi, Laura
After Elizabeth: representations of female rule in Massinger's tragicomedies
2011-01-01 Tosi, Laura
Alice and Pinocchio: National Stereotypes and International Classic Fantasy
2016-01-01 Tosi, Laura
Alla scoperta dei mondi della meraviglia: la fantasy vittoriana
2011-01-01 Tosi, Laura; Paruolo, E.