Sfoglia per Tipologia 7.02 Rapporto di ricerca
Improving the Analysis of Ion Beam Induced Luminescence Spectra of Samples with High Radiation Resistance
2014-01-01 Valotto, Gabrio; DE LORENZI, Alessandra; A., Quaranta
In-flame: INputs of FLuorinated compounds from Arctic MElting - RiS ID: 11598
2021-01-01 Pizzini, Sarah
INFO-POW: Assessment of the channels of information and their use in the posting of workers. Country report Italy.
2023-01-01 Cillo, R.; Perocco, F.
Innovare per competere: Tecnologie, Imprese e Istituzioni nel Veneto post-industriale
2006-01-01 Camuffo, A.; Bonesso, Sara
Innovazione organizzativa e tecnologica e competitività aziendale delle imprese artigiane
2005-01-01 Comacchio, Anna; Scapolan, A.; Bonesso, Sara
L'inserimento lavorativo degli immigrati nella provincia di Venezia. Analisi del data-base dello Sportello Immigrati del Centro per l'Impiego di Mestre
2007-01-01 Perocco, Fabio; Perazza, F; Cillo, R.
Inter-comparison of the impacts of maritime activities on air pollution in four port-cities of the Adriatic/Ionian Macroregion: trends, policy gaps and possible future strategies
2015-01-01 Contini, D.; Donateo, A.; Cesari A, D. .; Merico, Eva; Dinoi, A.; Cesari, R.; Maurizi, A.; Grasso, F. M.; Conte, M.; Gambaro, Andrea; Argiriou, A.; Alebic Juretic, A.; Barbaro, Elena; Dimopoulos, S.; Gregoris, Elena; Karagiannidis, A.; Ivosevic, T.; Liora, N.; Melas, D.; Mifka, B.; Orlic, I.; Poupkou, A.; Sarovic, K.
Interdisciplinarity.An idea of University in the 21st Century
2009-01-01 Margiotta, Umberto
International Migration Statistics and Measurement Issues in Arab Countries
2014-01-01 DI BARTOLOMEO, Anna
Internships, work placements, volunteering: stages on the road to decent work or to insecurity? Baseline National Report,
2014-01-01 Cillo, Rossana; Gjergji, Iside; Perocco, Fabio
Internstage. Internships, work placements, volunteering: stages on the road to decent work or to insecurity? National Fieldwork Report,
2014-01-01 Perocco, Fabio; Cillo, Rossana
Introduzione al rapporto di ricerca "Gli immigrati sikh nella provincia di Cremona".
2002-01-01 Perocco, Fabio; Ii,
Investment in intangible assets and level of sophistication: the role of Italian firms’ financial structure. Efige Country Report Series
2012-01-01 Cerisola, Silvia; D’Alfonso, Elena; Felice, Giulia; Giannangeli, Silvia; Maggioni, Daniela
Ion Beam Induced Luminescence characterization of mobile sediments from Veneto rivers
2012-01-01 DE LORENZI, Alessandra; Quaranta, Alberto; Valotto, Gabrio
ISLand Project. Deliverable 4.3. Report of Archaeological Fieldwork
2023-01-01 Cianciosi, Alessandra
IT Service Management in Italia. Stato dell'Arte e Trend d'Adozione
2013-01-01 Vaia, Giovanni
IT Service Management in Italia. Stato dell'Arte e Trend di Adozione
2012-01-01 Vaia, Giovanni
Italian public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: Longing for economic engagement amid general distrust
2020-01-01 Gallelli, Beatrice; Albana, Alessandro; Turcsányi, Richard Q.; Šimalčík, Matej; Kironská, Kristína; Sedláková, Renáta
"Jōko, chūko jidai no 'sayakeshi' to 'saya' gogun wo megutte" (Sulla parola ‘sayakeshi’ e il gruppo di parole ‘saya’ nel giapponese dei periodi antico e medio antico)
2010-01-01 Tollini, Aldo
Key policies and strategies aimed at development of areas regarded as “left-behind”: Italy
2023-01-01 Perocco, F.; Pirina, G.
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