Sfoglia per Tipologia 2.2 Recensione in rivista
Il voto è segreto
2001-01-01 Cinquegrani, Alessandro
W. Fritschy, Public finance of the Dutch Republic in comparative perspective
2019-01-01 Pezzolo, L.
W. H. AUDEN, The Complete Works: Prose: Vol. V 1963-1968, Vol. VI 1969-1973.
2016-01-01 Dowling, Gregory
W.J. Connell e G. Constable, Sacrilege and Redemption in Renaissance Florence. The Case of Antonio Rinaldeschi (Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2005)
2007-01-01 Dall'Aglio, Stefano
Walter Mignolo, "Teoría del texto e interpretación de textos", México 1986
1987-01-01 Pittarello, Elide
Walter Pater. Le forme della modernità, a cura di E. Bizzotto e F. Marucci , Milano, Cisalpino, 1996
1997-01-01 Sdegno, Emma
Waltz with Bashir e Lebanon
2010-01-01 Simoni, Marcella
Wang Fanzhi, Lüshi chunqiu yanjiu
1996-01-01 Andreini, Attilio
Waxler, Robert P. The Risk of Reading
2016-01-01 Pitari, Paolo
Wen-Chin Ouyang, Literary criticism in Medieval Arabic-Islamic Culture, Edinburgh 1997
2001-01-01 Ghersetti, Antonella
Wendy Brown, Undoing the Demos. Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution (Boston: MIT Press, 2015).
2016-01-01 Crosato, Carlo
Werkstatt Alltagsgeschichte (Hg.), Du Mörder meiner Jugend. Edition von Aufsätzen männlicher Fürsorgezöglinge aus der Weimarer Republik, Münster (Waxmann Verlag) 2011
2013-01-01 Petrungaro, Stefano
When Historiography Met Epistemology: Sophisticated Histories and Philosophies of Science in French-speaking Countries in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century
2019-01-01 Vagelli, Matteo
'Why Not Wax as Well as Wane?' - A Review of Michael O'Neill's Last Two Poetry Collections
2020-01-01 Dowling, Gregory
Wild, Kathrin: Aussprache und Musik: eine empirische Längsschnittstudie zum Wortakzenterwerb. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2015
2016-01-01 Paschke, Peter
Will B. Mackintosh. Selling the Sights: The Invention of the Tourist in American Culture
2020-01-01 Francescato, S.
Willem JM Levelt, A history of psycholingutics: the pre-chomskyan era.
2016-01-01 Capua, Clelia
William Ashbrook - Gerardo Guccini, "Mefistofele di Arrigo Boito"
1999-01-01 Alberti, Carmelo
William Burr, Jeffrey P. Kimball, Nixon's Nuclear Specter. The Secret Alert of 1969, Madman Diplomacy, and the Vietnam War, Lawrence, University of Kansas Press, 2015, pp. 452
2017-01-01 Basosi, Duccio
William C. Chittick: Sufism - A Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford Oneworld, 2000.
2000-01-01 Dahnhardt, Thomas Wolfgang Peter
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