Sfoglia per Tipologia 2.2 Recensione in rivista
Will B. Mackintosh. Selling the Sights: The Invention of the Tourist in American Culture
2020-01-01 Francescato, S.
Willem JM Levelt, A history of psycholingutics: the pre-chomskyan era.
2016-01-01 Capua, Clelia
William Ashbrook - Gerardo Guccini, "Mefistofele di Arrigo Boito"
1999-01-01 Alberti, Carmelo
William Burr, Jeffrey P. Kimball, Nixon's Nuclear Specter. The Secret Alert of 1969, Madman Diplomacy, and the Vietnam War, Lawrence, University of Kansas Press, 2015, pp. 452
2017-01-01 Basosi, Duccio
William C. Chittick: Sufism - A Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford Oneworld, 2000.
2000-01-01 Dahnhardt, Thomas Wolfgang Peter
William den Hollander, Josephus, the Emperors, and the City of Rome. From Hostage to Historian (Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity 86), Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2014, pp. XII+410
2015-01-01 Pistellato, Antonio
Wolfgang Kemp, Die ehrbaren Täuscher. Rembrandt und Descartes im Jahre 1641
In corso di stampa Zittel, Claus
Wolfgang Kullmann: Aristoteles als Naturwissenschaftler. Boston/Berlin/München: de Gruyter 2014. XII, 353 S. (Philosophie der Antike. 38.) 79,95 €.
2018-01-01 Natali, Carlo
WOMEN STUDIES AND THE ANCIENT WORLD - (R.) Ancona, (G.) Tsouvala (edd.) New Directions in the Study of Women in the Greco-Roman World. Pp. xvi + 278, ills, colour pls. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. Cased, £64, US$85. ISBN: 978-0-19-093763-8
2022-01-01 Valentini, Alessandra
The World in a Book: Al-Nuwayri and the Islamic Encyclopedic Tradition
2020-01-01 Ghersetti, Antonella
The wrecks of HM Frigates Assurance (1753) and Pomone (1811): Including the Fascinating Naval Carrer of Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Barrie, KCB, KCH (1774-1841), by J. Bingerman, P. Simpson & D. Tomalin, Oxford, UK, Oxbow, 2021, 160 pp, ISBN 978-178925636
2022-01-01 Beltrame, Carlo
X-ray imaging of spin currents and magnetisation dynamics at the nanoscale
2017-01-01 Bonetti, Stefano
XXXII Congresso nazionale Associazione degli Italianisti
2019-01-01 Curti, Elisa
¿Y las mujeres dónde están? Literatura criminal argentina
2022-01-01 Oggioni, Mariana
Y.Brudny, Reinventing Russia. Russian Nationalism and the Soviet State, 1953 - 1991, Cambridge (Mass.), 1998
2000-01-01 Masoero, Alberto
Y.T. Radday - A. Brenner (eds.), "On Humour and the Comic in the Hebrew Bible", Almond, Sheffield 1990
1992-01-01 Capelli, Piero
Yann Coz, Rome en Angleterre. L'image de la Rome antique dans l'Angleterre anglo-saxonne, du VIIe siècle à 1066, Bibliothèque d'histoire médiévale, 5 (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2011), 520pp
2014-01-01 Forbes, Helen Grace Foxhall Helen Foxhall
Yasir Suleiman, Arabic in the Fray. Language Ideology and Cultural Politics
2014-01-01 Ghersetti, Antonella
Yasir SULEIMAN, The Arabic Grammatical Tradition. A Study in ta'lil
2000-01-01 Ghersetti, Antonella
Yeats Oggi: Studi E Ricerche Edited by Carla de Petris
1994-01-01 Reggi, Valeria
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