Sfoglia per Autore ADAMIK, Béla
Vowel mergers in the Latin of the Danubian provinces of the Roman Empire as evidenced in inscriptions
2024-01-01 Adamik, B.
Veláris magánhangzó-fúziók a dalmáciai latinságban és a dalmát nyelvben (Back vowel mergers in Dalmatian Latin and Dalmatian)
2023-01-01 Adamik, Béla
A latin nyelv dialektológiai helyzete a késő császárkori és kora középkori Itáliában a feliratok tükrében (The dialectological situation of Latin in late imperial and early medieval Italy in the light of inscriptions)
2023-01-01 Adamik, Béla
The transformation of the vowel system in Gallic Latin as evidenced in inscriptions and the problem of dialectal positioning of Roman Gaul
2023-01-01 Adamik, B.
On the Role of Palatalization in the Vulgar Latin Sound Change /w/ > /β/
2022-01-01 Adamik, Béla
Romanization and Latinization of the Roman Empire in the light of data in the Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age
2021-01-01 Adamik, B.
The transformation of the vowel system in African Latin with a focus on vowel mergers as evidenced in inscriptions and the problem of the dialectal positioning of Roman Africa
2020-01-01 Adamik, Béla
On the Loss of Final -m: Phonological or Morphosyntactic Change?
2020-01-01 Adamik, Béla
The Transformation of the Case System in African Latin as Evidenced in Inscriptions
2019-01-01 Adamik, Béla
A study on the dialectology of Vulgar Latin vocalic mergers
2017-01-01 Adamik, Béla
On the Vulgar Latin merger of/b/and/w/and its correlation with the loss of intervocalic/w/: Dialectological evidence from inscriptions
2017-01-01 Adamik, B.
Potential Greek influence on the vulgar Latin sound change [b]>[β]: Dialectological evidence from inscriptions
2017-01-01 Adamik, B.
The problem of the omission of word-final -s as evidenced in Latin inscriptions
2017-01-01 Adamik, B.
The frequency of syncope in the Latin of the empire: a statistical and dialectological study based on the analysis of inscriptions.
2016-01-01 Adamik, Béla
Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age: Search and Charting Modules.
2016-01-01 Adamik, Béla
The Periodization of Latin: an Old Question Revisited.
2015-01-01 Adamik, Béla
In Search of the Regional Diversification of Latin: Changes of the Declension System According to the Inscriptions.
2014-01-01 Adamik, Béla
Zur Prosodie, Metrik und Interpretation von Catulls Carmen 116
2014-01-01 Adamik, B.
Barbarismus nostri temporis: Interpretation einer umstritten gewordenen Wendung in der Grammatik des Sacerdos
2014-01-01 Adamik, B.
Zur Problematik der Akzentqualität im klassischen Latein
2013-01-01 Adamik, B.
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